~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 16

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I kno you all may hate me for taking years to upload...SO SORRY but I GOT A NEW JOB!!!! I've been very busy with that. So I've finally found time to finish this chapter and to tell you the truth...it's short and I don't like it! But I couldn't think of anything else so I just continued with it.



I love you guys!!!

Okay so hears chapter 16


Offically An Addict

Chapter 16:

"Hello Ali. Long time no see."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper.

For some reason my voice doesn't want to work right. I think i'm still in shock. I thought I would never see this person again.

"I came to get you back sweetheart. I thought a lot about how I hurt you and how I'm so sorry for making you go on in life with out me. Please say you forgive me and want me back." He takes a few steps toward me and Stefan growls. "You do want me back? Right Ali?"


"Think about all the plans we had. I still want that if you do too. Please say you still love me."

Do I still love him? I look at Stefan. Maybe he could answer for me. I give him a pleading look.

No baby. That's something you have to do on your own. As much as I want you to say no, it's truely whatever you decide baby.> Stefan tells me in my head.

"Why the hell you looking at him for?" Lana chimes in.

I give her the most evilest look I could come up with. Stupid bitch. This is all her fault I just know it. How in the world do they even know eachother?

Good question. Ask them> Stefan tells me.

Finding my voice, "How do you guys even know eachother?" My voice is much stronger than before.

"Oh we go way back, don't we Lana baby?" said Matthew.

Lana gave him a look that said tons. She wanted him to shut up but what I wanted to know was why.

"If you will excuse us. Matthew and I have some things to discus."

Stefan reads what i have in mind and stares Matt in the eyes giving him a silent comand to answer all my questions truthfully. When he's finished, I grab Matthew by the wrist and pull him towards Stefan's office.

Stefan has buged the room so that when he did any kind of bussiness, whatever was said in the room got recorded.

Stay connected with me so that I know what's going on, I didn't give him a comand to not hurt you and I swear Aleesha, if he even THINKS about hurting you...> He threatens.

I know, I know Stefan> I smirk feeling all mushy inside because Stefan is more than willing to protect me.

I love you baby. Don't ever forget that>

I won't>

I lead Matthew into the room and shut the door behind us knowing that doing so activates the recorder.

I turn and face Matthew. He still looks the same but a bit pale. Shouldn't it be sunny in California? He looks more muscular as well. I decide to start the conversation with some flattery.

"Wow your muscels look huge Matty. You've been lifting. I could tell. Your looking even better than before."

Stop checking him out> Stefan growls at me.

I send him a mental giggel.

Like I would find him attractive after meeting you> I reply while mentally rolling my eyes.

Stefan does one of his manly grunts.

Matthew grins at me, "I new you still had the hots for me. I mean, come on, who wouldn't?"

I try hard not to laugh and when I say hard, I mean hard. It was all stefan's fault he wouldn't stop laughing inside my head.

"Right" I streatch out the word. "So why are you really here Matthew?"

He walks around Stefan's cherry wood desk before he answers my question. "Lana asked me to come here. She was talking with some guy named Damian. He had told her that Stefan had a new girlfriend and he discribed what you looked like and that's when I told her I knew who you were."

Crossing my arms over my chest, "So, you told her about me."


"Well how did you guys meet in the first place?"

"I was eating lunch at a café near the UCLA when she sits at my table and tells me how cute I am. From there on we've been together since." He finishes his story with a soft lovey dovey look in his eyes.

"So if you love her, why did you say you want me back?" My curiosity getting the best of me.

"Because she told me too." He answers simply.

"But why?" I scrunch my face.

"She wants you to leave Stefan so that she can have him to herself."

"But she has you!" I exclaim.

"She's to beautiful for one guy."

I scoff, "Says who?" My hands on my hips.

"She did." He says all serious like. I guess he was serious.

"Well what if I don't leave Stefan?"

"She'll kill you like she did the others."

"Others?" I nibble on my lip.

He nods his head, "Stephen's other girlfriends."

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