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Offically An Addict

Chapter 7:


 I couldn't help it. As soon as that scent hit my nose, I knew I was lost.

 I felt my fangs elongate and my vision turned red. I tried to control myself. I truely did not want to scare her. 


 An ear splitting scream broke me out of my concentration. My head snaped up and I see Aleesha looking at me in horror. I really hope she does not run. That's another weakness I have, I enjoy the hunt.

 Just as soon as the thought enters my mind, Aleesha takes off running. I feel a menacing smile spread across my face, my legs prepare for the hunt and the next thing I know, I'm chasing right after her.

 It has been about a year since my last meal and it was the night before I met Aleesha on the air plane. 

------Stefan's Flashback------

"Go stright to the hospital and drink lots of fluids." I tell my female meal. 

 I leave the park and make my way back to my hotel room. Tonight is my last night in this city, then I'm heading back home tomarrow morning.

 I walked up to my room door and sensed someone in the room. I bared my fangs and changed my eyes to prepare myself against the intruder. I opened the door slowly and zoomed inside. 

"Its only me." A seductive voice whispered. 

 Knowing who that voice belonged to, I strighten up from my crouch and change my facial features back to normal. 

"What are you doing here Lana?" I ask sounding irked. 

 Lana gracefully stood up to her full height of 5'10. Her jet black wavy hair falls waist length, making her creamy pale complection even more pale. Lana's blue violet eyes roam my body as she glides towards me. 

"Why so rude, Stefan? Is that a way to treat your lover?"

" EX-lover." Saying the 'ex' louder then the lover part. "We broke up Lana."

"But you know we are ment for eachother Stefan." She says while rubbing my chest with soft smooth hands.

I grab her wrists and push her away.

"You cheated on me remember, not the other way around. You made your choice when you decided to sleep with my best friend."

"That was two months ago! How could you possibly forgive Damian and not me?"

"You were the one who seduced Damian!" I yelled back at her.  

She pouts then says" I know baby. I made a huge mistake. It was just that you weren't around offten an I got lonely."

"Look Lana, I forgive you. I really do. Just know that WE are OVER. Never again, got it?"

"No I don't acept that. You are the only man I've ever loved, Stefan!"

"But I'm not the only guy you'll ever screw! So WE ARE DONE!"

She smiles impishly" of course Stefan."

"Now you must leave. I need my rest. I have a flight tomarrow morning."

"Oh?" She says with a raised eyebrow. "Where are you going?"


 The next day, I walk down the plane aisle and not even 10 rows away, the most powerfuly sweet scent bombards my senses. I was hit so hard, that I staggered. 

"Are you alright sir?" A flight attendent asks me. 

"Oh yes." I try to choke out. "I just lost my balance a bit."

"Well would you like me to help you find your seat?" She asks while batting her fake eyelashes at me. 

You could still see the glue!

Ha! But being a nice guy, I say,"Yes, please."

As we walk, the scent becomes stronger and stronger with each step we take. 

"Here you are sir. If you need anything, ANYTHING, at all just let me know."

 I chuckel under my breath and say thank you only to turn around and see the owner of the potent aroma.  

------Stefan's Present------

 Since that day I have never even takin a sip of someone eles blood. No ones scent could ever compare.

 Aleesha's foot steps bring me out of my memories and I decide to end our little chase game

 I materialize right in front of her and she screams in shock. 


 He grabs my arms to hold me still. 

"Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me."

 I hear someone chanting a pitiful plea, but then I realize that it's me trying to beg for my pitiful life.

 What's the use? It's not like anyone would miss me right? I mean 'he-who-I-will-not-name' left me, I never really had a father and my mother... Well my mother would eventually get over my death. But wait! What about Bruce? Aw poor Bruce. He says that he's liked me since forever but... he'll get over it too, I'm sure. Right? Well I hope he does.

 After decideing that I could die, I stand up stright and face Stefan bravely. 

 He looks into my eyes as he lifts my hand to his mouth. 

 I close my eyes and mentally prepare myself for his fangs to penetrate my skin. 

 Something wet went across my cut and I open my eyes a crack to see. My eyes widen in shock and my mouth hangs open because I see Stefan lick at my wound. 

Stefan chuckels," You really think that I would harm you Aleesha?"

He lifts his hand and brushes my hair out of my face. 

"I could never harm you baby."

"Your not going to kill me?" I squeek. 


 For some stupid reason my body decides to give out at a time like this and for the second time in my life, everything goes black.


It's kind of short but we needed to get some insight into Stefan's life

So with that said, please please please vote and comment and fan!!!

Thx in advance! Love you all!

^_^ TRiCHA

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