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Offically An Addict

Chapter 9:


By the time we get to my room, it's already 2pm. As I enter my room, I turn on the lights. I tell Stefan to have a seat, then I go lock the front door.

"We need to talk." I say turning back to him with my hands on my hips.

"Okay, what do we need to talk about?"

The whole day was filled with scilence, so now I decide to fill that scilence with questions I've been meaning to ask him.

"What are you exactly?"


"How old are you?"


I scoff. He knows I didn't mean it like that. I rephrase my question.

"How long have you've been 21?"

"I was born June 10, 1800"

"So your 210 years old?"


I swallow. This was a lot of information to take in.

"So who turned you?"

"I was born this way."

"You were what?!"

"I was born this way."

Crossing my arms over my chest,"Explain."

Stefan takes a deep breath and let's it out. He runs his fingers through his hair and looks right at me.

"Where would you like me to start?"

"The very beginning. I want to know everything."

He nods,"Fair enough."


God! She wants to know everything. Should I trust her? Well here goes nothing...

"Like I said, I was born June 10, 1800 to Salvetor and Angelica DiMita. My family has been around for centuries. My mother was born this way, my father turned. My mother's mother was human and was raped by a created vampire. So when Angelica was born she was the only vampire ever able to walk in the sun and to birth children.

My father was turned durring an attack. He had stumbled into a dark ally drunk one night and was attacked by a vampire. A random person walked by the ally and saw the attack. He ended up saving my fathers life, but what my father didn't know at the time, was that he was also a vampire. His name was King Vladimir and while my father lay dieing, he gave him some of his blood. Vladimir took my father in and raised him like his own son. He taught him how to use his powers but not abuse them. He taught my father how to hunt and use his brain instead of his fist. Most importantly, Vladimir taught Salvetor how to be a man.

Because Vladimir had no children, he appointed my father to become king if he should ever die. 5 years later he died by the hands of the same vampire that tried to kill Salvetor. Vladimir's brother Serge.

My parents had met a few years before Vladimir's death and was married. Shortly after they found out that my mother Angelica was pregnant with me. I was a huge surprise. Not just for my parents, but for the whole vampire community. I was the first and only born vampire. Every one wanted to know how it had came to be but my parents did not trust anyone but Vladimir so they only told him.

Serge had killed him to become king and because Vladimir would not tell him the truth about me.

You see I'm different from every other kind of vamp out there. I'm faster, smarter, I don't need human blood to survive, I can meterialize and I can read minds, which no one else can.

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