~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 12

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Offically An Addict

Chapter 12:


I head to The safe in my office. I press a few buttons and the safe door swings open. I grab the duffel bag that I usually keep in there and fill it with half a million for Damian. I have know idea why I'm going to give him the money, all I know is that no matter what he is my friend and my parents taught me that I should always try to help a friend in need.

I reach for my ledger and enter in the amount of money that I will be taking out. I grab everything and make sure I closed the safe up, nice and tight. As I head back out into the hallway, my office phone line starts to ring.

"This is DiMita." I say answering the phone.

"Hello Mr. DiMita. I'm so sorry to bother you this late but the board needs you to come in first thing in the morning." Gaven's deep voice came onto the line.

"Gaven how many times do I have to tell not to call me that?I would think after so many years of friends you would know by now."

"Right sir, however I have some of the board members present."

"Oh well in that case...I'll see you in the morning."

"Very well sir. Have a good night."

"Yeah yeah. You too Gav."

Stef-!> I hear Aleesha say my name in my head. I drop everything and run to her, only to see my best friend killing my girlfriend.

I rush over and knock Damian out of the way. I see his body fly across the room, only to hit and shatter my glass coffee table. Not really caring at the moment, I focus all my efforts to help Aleesha.

I notice that she's bairly alive, so I lay her flat on the ground, tilt her head up and open her mouth. Brushing losse hair off her face, I bend down and breath into her lungs. I only need to do this twice before she gains consciousness and coughs. Feeling relived I grab her up into a huge hug, but I try to be careful, not wanting to hurt her more.

"Wh-What happened?" her beautiful voice comes out rough and choppy.

"Thats what I would like to know." I say looking over my shoulder at Damian.

I see him sitting up trying to pull the sharp pieces of glass out of his body. Anger comes rushing back to me at the sight of him. I pick Aleesha up carefully and lay her on the couch. Knowing that I'm stronger then Damian, I walk over to him and grab him by the throat, lifting him up in the air. His eyes are filled with surprise as I toss him like a pillow against the opposite wall across the room.

Damian staggers and trys to stand up, rubbing blood from his lip, "What the fuck Stefan!?"

"Don't you EVER lay another finger on Aleesha!"

Damian looks at me in disbelief, "She's fuckin HUMAN Stefan! You of all people should know your daddy's own laws!"

"I don't give a shit about that! You lay a finger, no wait, if you even LOOK at her the wrong way, I will personally kill you. Now get the fuck out of my house!"

"You know what Stefan? I don't need your shit or your money for that matter. Fuck you, man. I'm outta here." Damian says with hate in his eyes.

He gets up and walks out of the house, leaving me and Aleesha all alone.

"Im so sorry baby. Are you alright?" I ask her as I lift her to bring her up stairs.

"Stefan put me down. There is nothing wrong with my legs." she croaks out.

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