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Okay so my 3 fans are totally awsome expecially Blanca!! Every coment you write makes me smile!!! Thx so much for all of the support!!! 

To all of my readers, if you haven't read blanca480's stories do so now!!! Don't read mine, just automatically go to hers!! It's that awsome I swear!!! 

Okay so enough of me....


Offically An Addict

Chapter 6:

 Only four more hours untill Stefan comes and I have no idea about what I'm going to wear. I don't want to be casual, yet I don't want to be fancy. God! Who know getting dressed would be this difficult.

 Looking around in my closet I see some new clothes that my mom had shipped for my birthday last year that I still haven't worn.

 I pull out a black long sleave sweater dress and black stiletto ankel boots. I look in my drawers and pull out red and black lace undergarment set and black thigh high stockings with a black garter belt. I look at what I set out and smile contently.


 Tonight will be the best I've looked in over a year. I shower and shave, then towel dry my hair. I put on my black and purple kimono robe, and do my hair.

 My usual curly hair is blow dried and strighten and I give myself a light purple and black smokey eye. It makes the grey flakes in my eyes stand out more. With my hair and makeup done I put on my bra and panties. While I'm sliding my last stocking in place, there's a knock on the door. 

Thinking that it's Cathleen, I say," Come in."

 I turn my head to tell her that I can't really talk now, but I see that it's not her standing at the door.

"Bruce! What are you doing here?!" I say in shock. 

"Good question, but I would really like to know why my date is standing half dressed infront of another man?" 

 I look behind Bruce to see Stefan glaring at him. 

"I came to talk to you about what happened yesterday, but I can see it didn't faze you one bit Aleesha." Bruce says, hurt filling his eyes.

 I cover myself up while trying to explain myself. 

"I...uh...I...damn it Bruce. I don't know what to tell you. And...and I just can't do this right now."

"Yeah she can't do this right now, so I suggest you leave Bruce." Stefan says to back me up.

Bruce turns to Stefan and yells,"Who the hell do you think you- yes your right, I should leave." And Bruce just walks out.

"Im getting really tired of him doing that."

"Oh what? Leaving?" Stefan asks. 

"Yeah that."

"Well I'm not" I hear him mumble loud enough.

"Look Stefan, give me about ten more minutes and i'll be ready to leave."

"Fine by me."

 I take my clothes into the bathroom to change and man, can I just say I look HOT! Wow! I never thought I could look this good after 'he-who-I-will-not-name' decided to leave me fir freaking California. I walk out the bathroom after checking and rechecking my hair and makeup to make sure all was well. 


 I see Stefan take in the sight of me. 

His eyes are glued to me and that makes me feel even more better. 

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