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Offically An Addict

Chapter 2:

"Go with us please please please ple-"

"Fine! Just stop saying please."

"Yay! Thanks Ali! You'll have so much fun with us. I promise."

"I doubt that." I mumble so Cathleen doesn't hear me. 

 Cath and her brother Bruce keep trying to get me to go out with them. I usually say no or make up an excuse on why I can't. 

 It has been about one year since my meltdown and they want to get me to go out with them. The past year has been nothing but a blur. 

 Wake up at ten, class at eleven... So on and so forth. I didn't make time to hang out. All I would do is sit in my room and do homework. My freshman year was a 4.0 gpa because I never did anything besides school work. 

 Cath and Bruce think that it's finally time that I start living my life again. Cath all ways tells me that 'he-who-I-will-not-still-name'  most likely doesn't sit around all day long. She tells me that he's out there in LA living his life. So now I have decided to finally live mine. 

 Cathleen gives me a hug then heads out to find her brother to tell him the news. 

 I go to my closet and see what Im going to wear. Instead of my usual loose t-shirt and sweats, I think I'm going to change it up a bit. So I look towards the back of my closet and find the clothes I used to wear when 'he-who-I-will-not-still-name' ( yes it's been a year but it still hurts to think about him) was around. I grab a pair of faded skinny jeans, a t-shirt that says 'I Suck' with a picture of vampire teeth dripping blood on it, my black and white convers low tops, I decide to go one step further and pick out my lace panty and bra set. No one will see them, but I can't lie, they make me feel good when I wear them. 

 After setting out my clothes, I head into the shower. I use my vanilla scented shampoo and my vanilla scented body gel to make my hair and body look fresh and clean. I step out and dry off. I wipe the fogged mirror and check my reflection. 

 My gray brown eyes are no longer sad, they're just there. My complection has become flawless once again over these long hard months. My lips are still plump and no longer in a permanent frown. 

 I decide that I look decent and pull out my brush to get some tangles out. When I'm done I go back to my room to get dressed. 

"Old Telephone Ring"- my iPhone ringtone starts to ring. 

"Hello" I say

"..." nothing

"Hello" I say again

"..." nothing

 I hang up. I have a two 'hello' rule. I'll say hello twice and if no one says anything back, I hang up the phone. 

 I check my recent calls to see if I reconized the number; 310-555-7321

 I have no idea who's number that is, but I see that it's from Los Angeles, Ca. I don't know any one in LA, unless...

 NO! I will not think that! 

 I grab my purse and run out the door. As I'm walking down the hall I see Bruce, Cathleen's brother. 

 Bruce isn't your average guy. He's 6'7 and has a muscular build. His normaly spiked dirty blonde hair, lays flat on his head making him look like a skater, when he's really not. But I still think he's cute. When we were younger, I had a huge crush on him. His green blue eyes meet mine and he smiles at me. I grin and walk up to him for a hug.

"Hey beautiful, you look great. Finally out of those sweats I see."

"Ha Ha, sure seems that way" I say driping with sarcasum. 

He grins," You really do look good Al"

"Thanks" I smile back. 

 We walk over to Cath's room to see if she's ready. Bruce lifts his hand to knock but the door suddenly opens. The three of us head off of campus and to the mall. 

 I haven't been to the mall in a little over a year and everything still looks and smells the same as any other mall. We walk past all of my favorite stores, Forever 21, Hot Topic, Vans, Fredrick's of Hollywood and more, as we make our way down to the movie theater. We get our tickets then find a set in the middle. After a few minutes the lights go down and the movie starts. 20 minutes into the movie, 

"I have to pee. I'll be right back, kay Ali?" Cath whispers to me. 

"Yeah sure, go head."

As Cath leaves Bruce puts his arm around me and leans in to whisper something to me. 

"Like the movie?"

"Um, sure. It's good so far."


"Al, can I tell you something?"

I turn to look at him," sure Bruce, what's on your mind?"

 He takes a deep breath. All of a sudden I feel my lips being crushed by his. I put my hands up on his muscular chest and try to push him back but after a few seconds I realize that I'm not pushing, I'm pulling him closer to me and I stop resisting his kiss. 

 His lips form to mine then I feel his tounge try to gain entrence into my mouth. I open for him and let him fill my sences. His smell, his taste, how he feels, everything. It's been so long since I've been kissed, that Bruce overwellms me. 

 I finally pull back. 

Breathing heavy I ask,"What the hell was that about?"

"Ali, I have liked you ever since you and Cath became best friends."

"Bruce, I have been best friends with your sister since the seventh grade and now you want to tell me you like me?" I say getting frustrated. 

"I had a girlfriend when you were in seventh grade, so I really couldn't tell you then. And then by eighth grade you were already with M-"

"DONT SAY HIS NAME!" I yell/whisper to him. 

 I'm so flustered that I get up from the chair and walk out the theater, but for some reason, I can't get Bruce's kiss out of my head.  



Srry it might be short. 

Let me know what you think!!







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