~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 14

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I'M SOOOO SORRY!!!! I apologise like crazy because I have been away from you all. Life has been hectic but that does not give me the excuse to niglict the ppl I love.

To all the new fans, I'm sorry. I'm usually really good with uploading but thank you for sticking with me.

To my best friends on wattpad, I've missed you all! Alice, Lizet, and Blanca, you guys are truely the best!

Thank you for thoes who wrote me telling me to upload!!

Okay so without further adue here is chapter 14...


Offically An Addict

Chapter 14:

Ring ring

I nudge Stefan so that he could get the phone, but my elbow comes in contact with air.


I turn over to see he's no longer by my side. My eyes search the room for any sign of him. I notice the bathroom door closed and I can barely here the shower water running.

Ring ring

I glance at the bathroom door and decide to answer his phone. I look at the screen and see Unknown Number printed across the top. I answer the phone.


"Who is this?" A womens voice comes on to the line.

Sitting up in the bed, "You called this phone, so who are you?" I respond.

"I'm Stefan's girlfriend, Lana." She says smugly. "So who are you?"

"Ha!" I laugh into the phone. "I'm Aleesha. Stefan's REAL girlfriend, so don't lie. Now, what the hell are you doing calling my boyfriend's phone?"

"YOUR boyfriend's phone? Bitch please! Stefan is only using you to get me jealous ALEESHA." She snears my name.

"Oh please." I say while rolling my eyes. "I know all about you Lana. How you hurt Stefan by sleeping with Damion. So please explain to me how he would want to make you jealous if he dumped your ass?"

"He didn't dump me bitch. He still loves me. I'm the only girl he'll ever love! I bet he hasn't even told you he loved you!"

"Ha!" I laugh again. "That's where your so wrong! He told me last night after we FUCKED!" I yell at her.

"BITCH!" She yells right back.

The phone is snatched out of my hand.

"We make LOVE Ali. We never fucked. Your more to me than a simple fuck." Stefan's deep voice chastised me.

But I wasn't really listening because I start to get all hot and bothered by what I see. Stefan wraped a towel low around his waist and I see the glistening water droppletts running down his sculpted abs towards his hidden cock. I lick my lips imaganing that I'm licking every last drop off his body.

I'm brought out of my fantisy by Lana's phone muffeled yell.

"Why are you calling me now Lana?" Stefan says calmly into the phone.

"Fuck you Stefan!" Lana yells and then hangs up on him.

I look at Stefan with lust filled eyes. It seems like everytime I look at him, it's with lust in my eyes. But hey, I can't help it. He's fucking georgous!

"So..." I say.


"You called me Ali twice now." I blurt out not really knowing what to say at a time like this.

Stefan grins, "Yeah I know. Last night I was just too tired to say your full name and today I was just testing it out. I actually don't like calling you Ali." He cocks his head to the left as if he's thinking. "I think I'll call you Leesha as a nickname. I don't know." He shakes his head.

He sits on the bed and lays back. I crawl over to him and sit on my knees beside his waist. I finger the towel wraped around him nonchalontly.

Not looking at his face, I say, " Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?"

I slowly move my eyes to his, "What you said last night? Did you mean it?"

Stefan rubs his hands over his face. "I said a lot of things last night baby."

"Agh!" I exhale loudly. "You know what I mean! Did you mean it when you said you loved me?!"

"Of course I ment it baby. I still mean it. When have you ever known me to say something I don't mean?" He stares into my eyes and I nibble on my bottom lip. "Look Aleesha, I didn't say it in order for you to say it back to me, okay. I said it because that is how I feel. If you don't feel that way yet then I understand."

I begain to tear up. "Its just that...I WANT to love you...I just don't know if I can yet." A tear rolls down my cheek. He lifts his hand and wipes my tear away.

"Is it because of you know who?" He looks at me with saddness in his eyes.

I look away. I remember when I told Stefan about he-who-I-will-not-name and how he hurt me. Stefan was filled with so much rage, he was willing to fly to LA that night just to beat his ass. I hate to admit it but I don't think I have fully recovered from a shattered heart.

Still looking away, I nod my head.

"Awe baby, it's okay. I'll wait for you for as long as it takes." He sits up and gathers me into his arms.

His nice warm safe arms. Arms that never showed me pain. Arms that held me while in pleasure. Arms that love me. I push away from Stefan and hop off the bed.

"I don't want you to Stefan! You shouldn't have to wait for someone to love you back!" More tears stream down my face.

Stefan slowly gets off the bed as I watch the towel fall from his waist and his dick half errect. He walks, no, prowls over to me and I realize that I'm still naked from the night before. I feel heat rush up my face as I blush. Stefan gets right up to my face and stares into my soul, or at least it feels that way.

"I will always love you no matter how long I have to wait and I will wait for you to love me because I know you will." Stefan growls.

I shake my head no. "I don't want you to have to Stefan." I whisper.

"Well it's to late."

His lips crash down onto mine and fire shoots through out my body. God how I want to love this man, but my heart won't let me and sadly Stefan believes that I will. Stefan licks my bottom lip and I instently open up for him of course. His tounge works magic and I fall into his deep spell. I spear my fingers in his hair and hold on for dear life because the ride he takes me on is always fast.

He grabs onto my ass and lifts me up, causing me to wrap my slinder legs around his body. My back is pressed up against the nearest wall, I grit me teeth as Stefan enters my warm wet body, all the while, our lips never part.

I moan and arch my back into him. His skillful fingers make their way up to my nipples and he begains to pluck them like you would an instrament. I could never get enough of him no matter how hard I try.

I'm offically an addict. I'm addicted to the way he loves me, cares for me, makes love with me, I'm just addicted to him and I never want that feeling to ever go away. Ever.


I know it's not really much, so sorry about that.

Well now you know why it's titled Offically An Addict


Let me know what u think!! I need truth here so don't forget to vote and comment!! (also fan if your not one) lol

Love You All!!!!

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