~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 13

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SOOO sorry it took me to long to upload. My new story got in the way a bit. So shouts to the most awesome fans ever created!!! I love you guys sooo much!!!

I love you Blanca and Lizet! My best friends on wattpad ^_^ check out blanca480 she has this new short story and all I have to say is WOW!!

Soo read the new chapter. I made it kind of long for you guys and it has SEX in it so if your not into that stuff (don't know anyone not into sex but not here to judge) don't read!

Okay so here it is....


Offically An Addict

Chapter 13:

"Elizabeth is dead?"

I woke to the sound of Stefan's voice. He was speaking with someone on the phone in hushed tones.

"How did she die?...Murdered?!...Alright, well thanks for letting me know."

He hangs up the phone and turns over to me. He looks at me but he doesn't say anything.

"Whats going on?" I ask him.

"Another one of my ex girlfriends just died."

"Oh my! I'm so sorry." I reach over to him and snuggel against him to give him some comfort.

He takes a deep breath, "Thanks baby."

We stay like that for a while. Stefan stroakes my hair making me snuggel deeper against him.

"I think someone is doing this on purpose." Stefan finally says.

"What do you mean?"

"First there's Corine and now Elizabeth. I'm beginning to think that someone is after my ex girlfriends. Thoes females aren't the type to cause anything and they really keep to them self. The only true way to kill a vamp, is by another vamp."

"So you think a vampire is out there killing your exs?"

"Yes I do."

"Okay, well how many exs do you have?" I ask truely wanting to know the answer.

"Theres four."

"Okay so that's only two out of the four. Let's not jump to conclutions yet. It could still be just random attacks."

Stefan nods, "Yeah you maybe right."

He kisses my fourhead. "Go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you."

"No it's okay." I smile and close my eyes so that I can fall back into a peaceful sleep.


I wake up the next morning to the scent of pancakes and eggs. I open my eyes to see Stefan standing at the foot of the bed with a tray of food in his hands.

"I know what I'm about to say is super cheesy but, Happy One Month Anniversary!" Stefan says with a huge smile.

Wow, a whole month has passed! I can't believe it! I'm in like with Stefan so much. I know it's not love yet, but I don't even know if I can love any more 'He-who-I-will-not-name' took every ounce of love that I had. Believe me I'm trying to love Stefan, but it just maybe to late for me to love anyone.

I give Stefan my 1,000 watt smile, "Happy Anniversary to you too babe!"

He sets the food on the night stand next to me and gives me the most earth shattering kiss. I could never compare Stefan to 'he-who-I-will-not-name', Stefan would win hands down. But everything is just so perfect with him. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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