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Officially An Addict

Chapter 4:

 I don't know what I should tell her. If I tell her I mind, she'll be mad at me. But if I tell her that I don't mind, then she'll hook up with him and don't want that either. 

"Um...no I don't mind at all" I try to choke out. 

"Okay good. I'll ask him out now."

 We walk out of the bathroom and head over to Stefan and Bruce.

"Hey Stefan, can I talk to you for a sec?" I hear Cathleen ask him. 

"Uh, sure. I guess."

 Cathleen and Stefan walk off, leaving me and Bruce alone. After a few minutes Bruce asks me a question.  

"So what's the deal with this guy?"

I see Cath smile then hug Stefan, I say,"Nothing. Absolutlly nothing."

 Bruce looks at me and I can tell he heard the sadness in my voice, but doesn't ask me questions about it. Stefan and Cathleen make their way back to us. 

"Aleesha, I...uh...um...I forgot that I had...um...something to...uh...do today. So I'm gonna have to take a rain check."

"Sure Stefan, it's whatever." I try to reply all nonchalant, when really I feel my heart crack. 

 I know he's lieing but what can I do about it. He doesn't want to be with me, not as a girlfriend, but even as a friend.

 Why am I so unlikable?

 Well maybe if you started to dress nice and look good again, people might like you.

 Your right. I should make myself look good again. I always had friends when I was with 'he-who-I-will-not-name'. 

 I mentally shake my head to stop talking to myself. As we watch Stefan leave, Cath decides to tell me about a party she's going to have next week. 

"Ali, you have to be there. I will be the best party ever! Oh and Bruce is bringing the alcohol!"

"Sure. Whatever. I'll be there" I say not really paying attention. 

"Okay great! Well I have to go get some last minute stuff for the party. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye"

 Cathleen walks away, leaving me with Bruce once again. 

"Al, we need to talk."

"Your right we do need to talk."

"Um, okay." Bruce says like he's surprised by my answer. 

"Let me take you back to your room and we can talk there, sound good?"

"Kay. Let's go."

 We walk out of the mall and head stright to Bruce's 2010 BMW Z4. I get into the passanger side and we zoom off. 

 Within a few minutes we're back at my dorm room, sitting on my queen sized four post bed. 

"Ali, I just wanted to say...I'm sorry. I...uh...I shouldn't have kissed you like that."

"Actually Bruce, I kind of liked it." I smile at him. "Its just that...that...um...I'm not over...you know who." I tell him. 

"I understand. Believe me I do, but Ali it's been over a year. How can you not be over him by now?"

"I loved him Bruce. He was my everything. I truely thought we were going to last forever." I say with unshed tears. "He told me he loved me and that he would never hurt me...he lied to me." I whisper, tears streaming down my face. "He lied!" I yell at Bruce and he just wraps his arms around me and I cry even harder. 

 I'm clutching his shirt, trying to bring him closer to me. I don't know how long I cried, but then I feel Bruce brush the tears off my face but they still keep coming, only quiter now. He lifts my face to his and kisses away the rest of my tears. His lips travel down my cheeks and his lips brush mine. He does it one more time and the next thing I know, we are sharing a passion filled kiss. He licks my bottom lip for entry and I open for him. Our tonges do a tangle type dance and Bruce starts to fill my sences. His smell, his touch, his taste. He is all I know at the moment. All I want to know at this moment. 

 I feel him press me onto the bed with his body, so now he's laying on top of me, still kissing like crazy. Bruce then suddenly pulls away breathing heavy. 

Breathing as heavy as him I ask," What? Why did you stop?"

"I had to breath." He grins at me. 

"Oh. Good idea."

 Bruce takes a huge breath and starts to kiss me again. He's hand is on my waist while the other is in my hair. His hand starts to creep up under my shirt and moves to my breast. His thumb brushes my nipple through the lace of my bra, causing me to moan into Bruce's mouth. He then trys to reach around my back to unhook my bra. 

Knock, knock, knock!!!


Srry it's short! I already have the 5th chapter written but I have to edit it be for posting. 

So let me kno what you guys think of this chap!!!!

Vote comment fan! You kno the drill! 



^_^ TRiCHA

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