~0FFiCALLY AN ADDiCT~ ch. 11

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Offically An Addict

Chapter 11:

"Well, isn't this lovely?"

Stefan and I sit stright up. I grab the sheet and hold it to my breast and Stefan uses his body to cover mine from the intruders view.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Stefan growled.

"I came to visit you, but I can see you already have company." I could hear the smirk in the intruders voice.

"Go down stairs." venom dripped from his voice.

I hear a rush of air, then Stefan relaxes.

"Im sorry baby." Stefan apologised.

"Its fine." I say while try to untangel myself from the sheets wrapped around my legs.

"Come on. Let's get dressed."

He gets off the bed first, then helps me untangel myself from the sheets and carries me off the bed.

He pulls a pair of shorts from a drawer and slips them on. Stefan goes to another drawer and pulls out a tshirt for me.

"Its going to be big, but it'll cover you up nicely."

I grab the shirt and slip it over my head. The shirt reaches past my knees and I tell him thank you. It smells just like him, so I raise the collar to my nose and take a deep breath.

I look up to see Stefan smiling at me, so I smile back.

He takes ahold of my hand and leads me downstairs. We walk into the living room to see a man sitting with his legs crossed at the knee.

He has jet black hair like Stefan but his eyes are like a dark neon green. From what Stefan's told me, I automatically assume he's a vampire.

That's right baby> Stefan says in my head.

I blush. I have come to like the enderments that he calls me. They make me feel special for some reason.

"Aleesha," he said while never taking his eyes off the guy. "Aleesha, this is Damian. Damian, this is Aleesha."

"Well, hello Aleesha. What a pleasure it is to meet you." Damian stands up and I see that he's at least six feet, a little bit shorter than Stefan. His green eyes roam my body, making me wish I had more clothes on.

"Ggrr..." Stefan growls and Damian's eyes jump to his.

Damian smiles and holds out his hand for mine. I glance at Stefan, but he still has his eyes on Damian. I hesitate a little, but in the end I clasp hands with Damian and shake it.

"Um, nice to meet you too." I smile shyly.

Damian holds my hand a second to long, then let's go. He truns and sits back down. Stefan sits down on an arm chair and pulls me onto his lap.

"So what are you doing here Damian?"

Damian smiles, "Like I said, I came to visit you."


I laugh, "Bullshit Damian." all laughter gone from my voice.

Damian smirks at me, "Alright Stefan. You got me. I came here because I need your help."


"I need money."


"Dont worry about what's it for. Are you gonna give me the money or not?"

I scratch my head and contimplate if I should give him the money.

"If I say yes, will you leave my house?"

"I thought we were best friends Stefan. How could you want to kick me out when I just got here?" Damian says sarcasticly.

"I know we're best friends, but I still don't want you in my house."

I look at Aleesha and notice she has fallen asleep on my sholder.

I guess I wore her out> I chuckel to myself. My eyes go back to Damian.

"How much do you need?"

"Oh it's chump change to you."

"That doesn't answer my question. How much do you need Damian?"

"Half a mill." He says with a stright face.

I scoff, "Thats a lot of money Damian."

"So are you going to give it to me or not?"

I think about it for a few seconds, before I manuver Aleesha off my lap, only to have her wake up.

"Sorry to wake you, but I'll be right back."

She nods her head and rubs her eyes. I walk to my office to get the money for Damian.


I watch Stefan head towards his office. I turn my head to see Damian stare at me.

After a few seconds I say, "What?"

He shakes his head. "I was just wondering, what is going on between you two? I mean your obviously fucking each other, but there's something else. I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Stefan and I are friends." I reply.

"Friends? Just friends? Let me ask you something Aleesha? Do you know everything?"

"I know who and what he is, if that's the question your asking." He looks taken back by my words. "I also know what you are too." I whisper this last part, but I know he can hear me.

"Oh really?" He asks leaning towards me. "And what do you THINK I am?"

"I don't THINK, I know." I say with much confidence. "I know what you are and I know how you hurt Stefan too!"

He chuckels, "How did I hurt little ol' Stefan?"

I stare Damian stright in the eyes and say, "You slept with his ex-girlfriend, Lana." I say accusingly.

"Well, looky here, you even know her name. Wow Stefan must have told you everything." He says sarcasticly.

"Thats right he did." I nod my head.

Damian puts on a sinister smile.

As soon as I blink, air is rushed from my lungs and my back is slamed up against a wall. Damian has his strong hand wraped around my neck and I can no longer feel the ground with my feet.

"You know I get to kill you right?"

Because I can't speak my eyes get wide at his statement.

"Rule number one is to keep our secret, a secret. Seems like Stefan can't follow daddy's own rules. So by law I get to kill you." The words drip with hatered and venom.

I can feel my face turn blue, but I still try to get a sound out, so that Stefan will hear. Damian lifts my body higher and my air is completly cut off. I struggel for a few more seconds. I finally remember that Stefan can hear my thoughts, but it's to late.

All I can think of is 'Stef-' before I sink into nothingness.


I know it's short! Sorry!!

So vote!!! comment!!! fan!!!


Love you all

^_^ TRiCHA

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