Prologue +

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Religion is something that is known to be a sensitive subject. It is known to be taboo to speak of when in certain social scenarios. We try to become sensitive to others when speaking about religion. We don’t want to offend them with our beliefs and thoughts, but then again why should we repress what we believe and think about God and other aspects of religion?

Some people are religious because of the heavy influence that has been placed upon them by their parents. The parents themselves may not be heavily influenced by religion, which in turn can cause them to want to make their own child open to the religious possibilities before them. These children usually have more of a say within the choices they make regarding their religion.

Other children are grown up around parents who are heavily involved in their religion. The parents could be pastors or even just heavily active parishioners. Either way, these types of parents make it harder for their children to venture out and find other religions that may be more suitable for their own beliefs. It might turn out that they may have a better understanding of a religion they are interested in rather than the one they are forced in.

Growing up in only one religion can make a child slightly closed minded towards others religions. However, the thought of changing religions can cause a major rift in the family. A family can divide over a difference in opinion because of some religious views.

So what is the price? Doesn’t everything come with a price? Why of course they do. You’re probably reading this instead of doing those chores your mom left for you or the homework assignment that’s due tomorrow morning. But the prices of these examples are quite small. It’s nothing you will die over, I hope.

Sometimes though, the price can be slightly bigger.

What would the price be if a devout family found out about their son’s ‘flaw’? A flaw is a misconfiguration of an object. So what is the flaw that makes his family angst against him so much?

What if the son didn’t know he had this ‘flaw’ until he met a very special person? We have all met someone that has changed us for the better and others that have changed us for the worst. They sometimes have no intentions of changing our perspectives or our images of life, but they do. Sometimes we are highly gratuitous for their contribution, whereas other times we wish they would just leave us alone.

What if this person taught him that his ‘flaw’ wasn’t actually a ‘flaw at all, but rather it was a part of him that he shouldn’t be ashamed of? We all know that we should have pride in everything that we do. Pride helps us progress further in life. If we don’t take pride, for example, in our school work, we begin to slack off more and more every year until finally we just stop caring. Without taking pride in the things you do, you usually just forget about it in the long run and never want to return to a place like that. The void of pride makes us ashamed in some of our everyday actions.

What if the price was nothing but choices?  The choices that you make would affect every breath you take until the day you die. But isn’t that how life is now? We can make our own paths and destinies, no matter what people tell you. Sure there are some choices in our lives that we regret making, but sometimes we have to forget about the past and keep looking forward.

But isn’t looking at the past a good thing sometimes? Sometimes don’t we have to look into our pasts to see our mistakes? If we look at our mistakes, that gives us hope to not repeat what we had done wrong prior. In fact doesn’t it make us better if we decided to change for the better? We are trying to improve ourselves to become the best we can be.

But what if your mistakes weren’t mistakes at all? Rather you were taught to believe that you were in the wrong because that was the way you were raised? Some people may believe that homosexuality is a sin whereas others believe it is a way of life. Some believe it is a choice while others believe you were born with it. Depending on how you view it, it is either going to be wrong or right. Unnatural or completely natural. If you are gay, are you making a mistake? Or are you just living life?

The price to love without being hated or the chance to be alone and have the acceptance you desire from the people you desire it from the most? The choices we make affect not only us but the people that we decide to allow in our lives and the ones that have also chosen to snake their way into it. They become so involved in our lives that if we aren’t careful, then we can lose control. We can lose the ability to control our lives.

But as a child, your parent controls your life for the most part. They make daily decisions for you as you grow and mature and continue to excel in life. But what happens when you begin to grow up and take responsibility for your actions? Will you build up from the foundation that has been planted for you since childhood? Or will you decide to tear down the foundation and begin anew? It can be scary to start all over again, to begin from scratch, but sometimes, it is what we need to do. People can become toxic to us and the ones we have loved the most turned out to be the worst possible people for us in the long run. However, just because you feel as though they let you down, there is always someone there for you. Sometimes in the darkest moments of life, we can find some of the brightest lights. They may come from the most surreal places, but they are there for us. They help us grow and rebuild a foundation that we can thrive off of.

However, if you aren’t lucky enough to even have a single person on your side, that’s when you become your own warrior. You may have to fight the fight alone, but it is sure that when you come out of the darkness, you will be stronger than ever. Not everyone has a bright light to bring them back out of the darkness. In fact some people have to stay trapped in darkness for so long that they sometimes find themselves adapting to it. They forget about finding the light to bring them back home.

Sometimes they become chained down and it takes a saving grace to set them free.


And here you go! It's the prologue to my new story! The updates on this one are going to not be as fast, and you'll see why by the first chapter. I am really enjoying writing it! In spirit of the whole religious thing, it's only going to be updated on Sundays! There won't be a set schedule until probably Decemberish.

I really hope you guys enjoy this one! Please comment, share, like, whatever your heart is content to do! :)

Love ya chickadees and chickadudes! x

-Ariel x

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