Scene Twenty

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Yahoo! called Saturday morning.  The interviewer, Priyanka Veda, learned of the SFMD page the day after Maisie posted it, but waited until it hit ten thousand shares before writing the article.

"I have to admit, I've never gotten the appeal of Mr. Darcy," she began the conversation.

"He's not for everyone," Maisie said.

"What is it about him that you are drawn to?  Why start a nationwide search for him?"

Maisie paused.  How to explain the magnitude of her love for Mr. Darcy?  "I guess I can start with the obvious: he's tall, handsome, and rich.  But those qualities alone aren't enough.  I like the idea that underneath a hard exterior, he's actually just a softy.  We see mention after mention in the book that even though he is prideful, he's also extremely selfless and generous.  He would give the world for his sister. He uses his extensive means to help others - his tenets and employees, Elizabeth's sister.  He's actually a really good guy."

Priyanka clicked her tongue.  "So you're saying you want a guy you have to change?"

"Not at all!  Elizabeth doesn't change Darcy, not really.  When she, and the reader, meet Darcy, he's nervous.  Shy.  He isn't good at interacting with others.  But all of the good stuff is still there.  He doesn't just suddenly become kind and generous because of his love for Elizabeth.  He also isn't purposefully hiding it.  He's humble."

"And you think your page is the best way to find a similar person?"

"I don't know.  I'm sure men like him exist somewhere, but I haven't been able to find them any other way."  From the corner of the room, Dashwood meowed, pawing at the closet door where Maisie kept the cat food.  Maisie stood and went to fill up Dash's bowl.  She could hear Priyanka scribbling notes.

"How did you feel when you saw the page going viral?  Were you expecting it?"

"Not at all."  Maisie smiled inwardly.  The last thing she wanted to admit to the reporter was the fact that she was drunk when she created the page.  "I never expected anyone outside of my closest friends to see it.  It was sorta a joke."

"And is it still a joke?" Priyanka asked.

"I don't think so.  I've already gone out with some nice men," she paused to collect herself.  "One of which has potential for a long-term relationship.  Wait, no, don't print that, please!"  She wanted to kick herself.  The second that line went live, she could say bye-bye to Bastian.

"Why don't you tell me about him?"

Maisie frowned.  Of course Priyanka would want to ignore her request.  They were getting to the good stuff.  "I think that's all I can give you."

"Can I call again if I have follow up questions?"

"Why don't you email me?"

The disappointment in her voice was apparent when Priyanka answered. "Of course.  Well, thank you for your time."

"You're welcome. Thank you."

The line disconnected.  Maisie picked Dashwood up and stroked his back.  She hadn't heard from Bastian since their date.  What if she'd read into things?  He said he would be busy the rest of the week with work, and they did schedule date number two, but shouldn't he have at least texted?

She opened his contact and started a new message.  "Hey, I'm looking forward to bowling on Monday!"  Her thumb hovered over 'send.'  "No, this is stupid.  I don't want to seem desperate."  She deleted the text and set her phone down on the counter.  She'd done enough to show interest - she agreed to a second date, she started the page that brought them together in the first place.  No point rocking the boat.  If she initiated a conversation now, she'd most likely embarrass herself.  Better to let the article do that for her.

At least then she could say she was misquoted.

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