Scene Eighty-Seven

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Eggs sizzled in a frying pan as Maisie poured two tall glasses of orange juice for her and her mother.  She flipped the eggs expertly and popped toast out of the toaster.  She added a piece of cheddar to her toast, then slid an egg on top.  Her mother's she kept cheese-free.  Both plates in hand, she headed for her mother's bedroom, when her phone rang.  She set her plate down, grabbed the phone off the counter, and continued down the hall.

She paused inside her mother's doorway.  "Hello?"

"Ms. Frampton?"

"Yes, this is."  

"Hello Maisie, this is Patricia Johnson with the United States Heart Alliance."

Momma Frampton made a frantic gesture toward her breakfast, but Maisie had frozen in place.  She sounded a little too enthusiastic when she replied, "Hello, Ms. Johnson! I hope you're doing well."

"Very, thank you.  I wanted to let you know we've made a decision regarding the Director of Fundraising position."

Maisie unfroze and crossed the two yards between the hall and bed in a second, set the plate in front of her mother, and hurried back out of the room, holding her breath the whole time.

Ms. Johnson continued, "We decided to offer the job to another candidate."

The air escaped her like a leaky flat tire, but Maisie did her best to sound positive when she spoke again.  "Oh, well, thank you for letting me know and for the opportunity to interview."  She reached the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"Don't lose hope yet," Ms. Johnson chuckled.  "There is another opportunity we want to discuss with you."

Maisie grabbed her mother's orange juice and hurried to deliver it.  "Yes?"

"Two chapters, one in Philadelphia and one in Seattle, have employees going out on maternity leave.  The woman in Philadelphia is due in a little over a month, and the woman in Seattle about three months later.  If you're interested, we'd like you to talk with their teams and see if you'd be a good fit to fill in while they are out.  I understand if you want to look for something more permanent, but if you do well, it could lead to a full-time position somewhere in the association."

"Wow."  Maisie sunk into the armchair by her mother's bed.  Momma Frampton pointed frantically to the phone, wanting to know who Maisie was talking to.  Maisie waved her off.  "What positions would I be filling in for, potentially?"

"In Philadelphia, Director of Communications, and in Seattle Director of Fundraising.  We would have you shadow in Philadelphia until Deirdre goes out, and there should be enough time for you to shadow in Seattle as well, unless Fatima's baby comes early. Shadowing would be paid, of course, and we'd arrange housing for you, and provide moving expenses should a permanent position be found.  What do you think?"

"I'm a little shocked, but my initial impression is that it sounds amazing.  Can I speak with the teams first before making a decision?"

"Absolutely.  We'd also want to make sure everyone feels comfortable with you."

"Great.  When do we set that up?"

"I'll touch base with the other chapter's EDs and email you some possible days and times for a Skype call.  We'll want to get it in soon, to maximize your time in Philadelphia before Deirdre leaves."

"I'm wide open, just let me know."

"I will.  Thank you, Maisie."

"Thank you!"

They said goodbye and Maisie dropped her phone in her lap, grinning.  She hadn't felt so excited, so lightweight in months.  A change of scene was exactly what she needed.

"What in the world was that about?" Momma Frampton asked.

"Good news, for once."

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