Chapter 2: Mates Be Gone

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I finally see my car! The two wolves that are parentally are my mates, have gotten really close to me, but not enough to catch me. When I come out to my car, I stop to catch my breath. When I finally do, I shift and change into my clothes. As I turn around to get into my car, the boys come out of the woods. Crap! I run around my hummer but Blue eyes is standing in my way, I am about to turn around but I know that brown eyes is right behind me.

"May I help you?" I say in my best flight attendant voice.

Brown eyes says from behind me "Why did you run from us Kitten? A mate shouldn't do that."

I turn my head around to look at him, "Mate? What are you talking about?"

"I think you know exactly what we are talking about!" Blue eyes says.

"Fine, I know what you are talking about! Ok, go for it! Reject me, get it over with!" I turn and push my back against the door, so I can look at both of them.

"Reject you! We would never! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!" Brown eyes says. He comes in front of me and puts a hand on my face. I feel a tear run down my cheek and he wipes it away.

Blue eyes comes closer to us and then puts a hand on my hair. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I never thought that I would find my mate, and I never thought I would have two! I have never ever had some say that to me!"

"Well get used to it!" Blue eyes says. I start to blush and then feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I reach down and grab it. I bring it up to my face and see what it is.

Rachel- Where are you? I am at your house and you aren't here!

Me- Sorry, I ran into some guys....

Rachel- WHAT! Are they cute?

Me- Rachel! Do you even have to ask! Yes, they are. I will see you in a few. I text her and then look up and see the twins staring at me.


"Who was that?" brown eyes asks me.

"My friend, Rachel. Listen guys, I hate to say it but I have to go."

"What! Why?" blue eyes asks.

"Well we have that party to night! So I have to go get ready."

"Well I suppose it is ok. We want the future Luna to look nice,"


"Yeah, we are going to be the Alpha's of our new pack."

I decide to play along and not tell them who I am. But I can tell you one thing, they are in for a big surprise! "Ok, we will take about this later," I say and then climb into my car. I roll down the window.

"Wait! We don't even know your name!" Brown eyes points out.

"It's JJ!" I tell them.

"Oh, I am Hayden and this is Tate!" Brown eyes- Hayden- says as I pull out of the parking lot.

I wave at them and then drive down the road to my house.

Once I get to my house, I see 3 cars in the driveway. Rachel's, Derek's, and Kayla's. I park my car and then head inside. Once I am inside, I am pounded with questions.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Derek asks me.

"I went for a run!"

"Why did you run off?"

"I don't want to talk about it!"

"Derek get away from your sister!" my mom yells at him.

"Derek come here," Kayla says from the couch. After Derek leaves, I walk over to the counter and sit next to Rachel.

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