C9 leave my alone!

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"T-t-teresa!" Your here! No shit Sherlock!" Yeah." "So my girls a ho?" Alex asked. I was holding in my laughter. Trying! Able got up and left. I was laughing. Alex wrapped his arms around me and lift me up,and start walking. I was scared of falling off. So I hung tight. He stopped. I looked. I got off. And Alex kissed me! His tongue slipped through my lips. I was pushed off. I was shocked, I was on the floor. To see a girl, that is able new girlfriend. He wasn't lying, her butt was huge! "That's for dating my man! What did he see in you?!". " sorry I'm so hot!" "Your ugly under all that makeup!" I wiped my face with my hand and said "bitch where!?" The teacher pulled up apart. Before she swung. Alex was holding me back. Like a idiot. I was telling him to let me go. Able was high. Able was walking towards me. All the sudden I felt a pain run through my cheeks. I fell over due to the force. "Look what you started! Why are you even here?! Why are you still alive?" I felt tears form at my eyes. He's right. Why was I alive? I hate my self. I caused trouble. Suddenly I felt my body rise. And I was pinned down on the wall. "Teresa Purdue! Answers me! Why aren't you at Gaston anymore!?" "Because you got me kicked out!" "God why did I date you?!" I saw Alex jaw harden. And suddenly a pain shot threw my stomach. He hit my hip bone. Shit that hurt like hell! I fell on the floor. I was trying to breath. I saw my vision darkening. I'm having a anxiety attack! All I remember is Abel grabbing my head and slammed it against the table.

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