Ç20Hope died out

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Able got in. "That's the ho that I saw Alex with at first hour."
"What she was at the parking lot."
"Jenny is it true."
"No its not. She's lying! Baby Victor was with me." "No he was with me when you was kissing Alex." I yelled.
"Victor was inside the school the whole time." Able said. That cunt. I slapped her.
"You fucking bitch! You cheat on Able and your the girl I was cheated on with!" I'm hitting her. She trying to hit back. Able was getting me off her. "Babe she's lying! I was in the restroom!"
"I didn't you said the parking lot?" Able said.
"I-i" she was shuddering. I pushed her out the car. "Whore!" I yelled out to her. I was crying.
Able was motionless.

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