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I could hear punching noise. And Abel voice cussing in Spanish. I could understand his though.
"Puto!" (Bitch)
I felt air under my body. I was being carried. Victor put me in the backseat. Able was finished after about 47 minutes. Yes I counted. He got in. Alex was on the floor. Bryan and all them ran out. Able got in. His frists were bleeding now. I taped him. He turned around mad. Then turned to love? Wtf!? Love!? O my god! "Pull over." He pulled over. I opened his trunk. I grabbed the first aid kit. And opened his door. And pulled him out. Tried to. I just held his firsts and poured alcohol on them. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Sorry."
His hand sent sparks all over my body like before. What's happening to me? I wrapped his hand in brands. He hugged me after that. It is getting hot in here. I rested my head on his chest. I was on his lap, due to him pulling me on it. We just sat there.
"Mkay ima let you guys finish your romantic moment. I'll be outside on pornhub."
"Just get out." Able said. Victor left.
I looked up to meet able brown eyes. Then he was leaning in. My head was moving towards his. My lips had anther idea then pulling away. They puckered up. No no no!

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