C10 Hospital

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I woke up. In a room and realized I was in the hospital. I try to sit up. Pain shot threw my side. I saw Alex was asleep. He looked so hot. The room was so hot. And he was laying on the side of me. I shook him. "No don't leave me. What did I do wrong?!" I kissed him. He woke up immediately. And then kissed me back. Oh his kisses are to yummy
. Then the nurse came in. That Busch. "Okay kids,no making love in the hospital." I started blushing, so did Alex. " So was 3 broken ribs. But now 6. The broken ones before are broken again. Bruised cheek. Hip bone is moved up. Both knee cap was moved farther up. Now not visible. And need stitches on your head." Wow. Able mean. Speaking of devil."Sup ho." A annoying voice said. "What do you want?" "Is it your time of the month? If not why are mad?" "Because I'm in the fucking hospital! And the person who put me here is in front of me, acting like a dick!" Alex Snicker. Just hearing him, made me wanna kiss him so bad. Able just stood there. "I'm sorry I got you kicked out of Gaston. If we never dated none of this would've happened. I'm so sorry." Alex sat up. "Nigga get your ass up. Dust off your pants. And get out. No we do not forgive you." Able got up and left."so mind telling me what happened between you and everybody? " " Im scared of what you'll think of me." "I'll still kiss you. And when you wanna stop kiss me." I wanna kiss you so bad.

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