C19 he not my boyfriend

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Alex got off me. Crying. I laid there. Alex enjoyed it. I didn't. Why? He knows the pain Bryan caused.
"Day dreaming about me?" Alex said in a tone I never heard him use.
"Did Bryan put you up to this?" I whispered.
"No. I did this for me."
"Everything was a lie? Wasn't it? You never really loved me did you?"
"Sorry I only do one night stands."
"It was lie. I cannot wait till you fall and get hurt and then you will understand the pain you cause."
Suddenly I feel pain on my cheek. And Alex's hand was in the air. He slapped me. I looked in the minor. A red hand spot on my cheek. Alex stared at me. I whispered
"your an ass. You know that?" I put my cloes on. And grab close and put them in a suit case.
"Get out!"
I pushed him out. I grabbed my charger. And phone, tablet,computer. A hoodie. My pocket knife. Bb gun. Tazer. My tooth brush. And tampons and pads. You never know. It can happen early or late. And Got on the roof.
You come get me? I'm on the roof of the house. Please hurry.
Able came.
"Wtf are you on the roof for?" And he let me in. He saw my close that was torn and my cheek. Then my cuts.
"Oh no! Not again!" I started crying. He pulled me to his chest. Oh my. I missed him conforming me.
"Alex is a terrible bf. He let this happened to you. God ima kill Bryan."
"It wasn't Bryan. It was Alex. He raped me for himself." Able picked me up.
"He's not my bf. He never was. It was a bet." Able grip tighten. And then he placed me in his car.
The backseat had Able girl. The girl that kissed Alex.

BeatingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon