Learn to love: chapter 30

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Mystery pov
"You are Gabriel Barron right?" I asked

"Yes why?" he asked

"Well for $250 would you do me a favor?" I questioned he thought for a bit

"Sure what Is it tho?" he asked

"You have to date Emily Garcia she will be at the fair with a curly haired boy swoop her off her feet and take her away from they boy so he doesn't have a chance to date her" I said

"Ok fine Emily is hot anyway soooo it won't matter right so pay up and I will be on my way." He said holding out his hand I placed the money in his hand.

Emily's pov

"Harry lets go over there" I pleaded dragging him towards rides.

"Hey Emily" someone said I turned to see Gabriel my ex.

"Oh hey Gabe" I said waving a little my hand was still around Harry's wrist. I let it go and let my small hand fall to my side.

I felt uncomfortable standing in front of Gabriel in daisy dooks and a strapless white shirt with my high top converse.

"So Em I was thinking maybe we should go to the school dance together" he said smoothly snaking his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I held up my hand

"Sorry Gabriel I made the mistake to date you twice it is not going to happen again maybe when you stop becoming a compete man whore" I said rubbing my left arm with my right hand. He smiled at me 'this prick thinks it's funny'.
He got closer to me.

"Emily let's makes this easy You go on a date with me or I tell the whole damn school one of your secrets" he whispered in my ear.

"Leave her alone dude she doesn't want you around" Harry said pushing Gabes chest.

"Tell pretty boy to stay outta it Em you belong with me" he whispered in my ear then nibbled it making me moan.

"N-no Gabriel I can't" I said softly

"What will the whole school think of you after they find out how you are in bed hmmm?" He asked

"Gabriel get over yourself we NEVER I mean NEVER had sex" I said crossing my arms on my chest.

"But Em I am popular and once those words slip out of my mouth ALL my friends will believe me and everyone else will believe them" he warned.

"Fine one date tho after that nothing else between us got it?" I said

"Fine babe I will see you tomorrow 7:00pm oh yeah tell your dad I said hi" he said pressing his chapped lips forcefully on mine. Urgh he sure knows how to get under my skin.

Learn to Love **Editing**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz