Learn to love:chapter 36

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It has been a day since that phone call with Taylor tbh I am not scared of her at all. She is just trying to hurt me which it isn't working.

My phone started to ring I answered it and guess who it was?..... nope not Taylor but Harry

"Hey Emily want to hang out today?" he asked

"Sorry Harry I don't think I can you girlfriend threatened me can't sorry" I said

"What Taylor ha Emily Taylor would never hurt a fly she is so sweet..." He said as If I were lying about his girl.

"Ok Harry" I said annoyed I liked him and he did or so or thought liked me what would he date her at the moment?

"So let me ask u again want to hang out?" He asked again that was it I had enough of his shit

"And I am going to answer u again Sorry Harry I don't think I can ur sl- girlfriend threatened me sorry I can't believe u would belive her Over me" I said before hanging up on the fucked and throwing my phone at the wall causing it to shader into pieces

I got off the couch and went to go Chet dressed I put on a pair or skinny jeans and a plain grey shirt with my uggs I picked up my broken phone and walked down stairs picking up key toy car and driving to the apple store.

"Hey" I said to the girl behind the counter who was my old old friend Kaitlin

"Oh hey Emily how are you?" she asked me she is such a sweet girl pretty brown hair and brown eyes.

"I am fine but I don't know about my phone" I said holding it up the back and front screen completely broken some glass missing as well

"Oh my what happened" she asked I laughed a little well a nervous laugh and explained how I got really mad and threw it at the wall

Learn to Love **Editing**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora