Learn to Love: chapter 60

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Narrators pov
Once the car in front of Emily's smashed into them Emily And Justin blacked out. Drunk Daniela was in the back completely safe a few scratches and bruises but nothing like her boyfriend and best friend. Harry was going crazy without Emily he still doesn't know what happened to her.

Daniela's pov
I woke up when a huge crash sounded I feel of the seat and started to cry my best friend and boyfriend are in the front not moving with their eyes closed. We were in a crash. I sobbed as I dialed 911.

"Someone help my best friend and boyfriend are hurt they went unconscious in a crash" I cried

"Ma'm where are you? we are on our way please stay on the line" the lady said

"We are Date Palm and 30th" I answer. Grabbing Emily and Justin's hand.

"We are on our way stay calm"

"Stay calm you want me to stay calm the two people I love are hurt I can't stay calm" I yells

"I'm sorry ma'm but you need to try" she says

Finally they come and help my friends out of the car and into an ambulance.

I need to call Harry.

"Hello?" I say as he answers

"Daniela? can I speak to Emily?" Harry asks

"Harry Emily and Justin were in a car crash they are unconscious" I sob.

"What Emily oh my god where are you?" he asks

"At the hospital now"

"What hospital?" he crys

"Eisenhower" I say "bring the boys if you come"

He hangs up

Hours have gone by and no doctor will tell me what is going on with them. They keep rushing in and out if Emily's room. I don't know what I'll do if I lose her.

"Daniela?" I hear a British voice call I turn to see Harry. I get up and run to the curly haired boy as Emily would call him. I hugged him and we cried together.

"Anyone here for Justin Bieber" a doctor asks

I pull away from Harry quickly "I'm here for him what's wrong is he okay?" I ask

"Ma'm Justin..."

Learn to Love **Editing**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora