Learn to love:chapter 56

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Louis' pov
As me and the lads walked back into the bus I noticed Harry sitting in the couch with his head in his hands. His head snapped up when the door opened.

"Hey mate" I said as I sat next to him.

His eyes were red and he looked heart broken.

"What's the matter?" Niall asked as he started munching on chips. Man does the boy ever stop eating.

"Emily she..." he started

"Look lads Emily wrote notes" zayn said

He handed one to everybody except Harry.

Emily POV:
I got a taxi and sat in the back as it drove me back towards my house we hadn't gotten that far before the news Harry told me. I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. I let them go all of them. I was in the back seat of a taxi crying my eyes out. How pathetic is that? It made me laugh a little at how sad it is.

Finally I made it back home I payed the man. Before I shut the door

"I hope everything gets better for you" the man said I smiled a little

"Thanks have a great day" I said before shutting the door.

I ran up to my door and dropped my things by the front door.

"Emily are you ok why are you here?" my mom asked standing up. I ran to her and cried. She held me like she used too when I fell or didn't feel good when I was younger.

"We broke up mom we broke up" I cried

"What? why?" she asked she kissed my head and smoothed out my hair.

"Because... he needs to date someone famous that's what management said they made him leave me" I cried

"Oh Em I'm sorry" she said as she rocked me soothingly.

Louis' POV
I dial Emily's number and wait. One ring. Two ring. then she answers.

"Hey lou" she said cheerful

"Hey Em how are you?" i ask big mistake

She starts to cry.

"I can't handle it lou I just can't" she crys I want to hold her and tell her everything is going to be fine.

Harry walks into the bunks. His eyes red and his cheeks streaked with tears.

"I...I know M everything is going to be fine. You'll be ok..." I say and then my phone is snatched out of my hand. Fuck.

"Emily oh thank goodness. I miss you... what no Emily please don't hang up... yes I still love you. Babe I don't want to be with her.... Emily I love you please don't cry love... Babe I am going to fight for you I promise. No, Em please just hang in there.. no I don't like her god damn it Emily I love you only you. Please don't move on." he pleaded

He stands there with my phone in his hands. "She hung up" he whispers

"Haz I'm sorry lad" I say

"No it's not she won't forgive me I know it. I've screws up so many times." He crys

"Harreh she loves you I'm sure she won't move on..."

"What if she does?" He asks

"Then I don't know Harry"

Learn to Love **Editing**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt