Learn to Love: chapter 83

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"Emily I told you already when a boyfriend is over you leave the door open" my mom yells through the door I groan and get off Harry.

"Sorry" I yell then open the door she stand there with a smirk on her face I gave her a weird look then walked back to Harry. He was laying in my bed so I laid down next to him and we cuddled for a bit.

Harrys phone rang multiple times before he answered. I heard yelling and sat up "I'm on my way... I'm sorry I fell asleep! Why does she have to come? no we never discussed it.. fine I'll ask her" Harry says as he pulls on his shoes and shirt. He hangs up and slides his phone in his jean pockets. "Emily I have to go I'm late for an interview But they also want you too"

I sat there shocked "why?" I ask I was going to go I just wanted to know why. I pulled off my pajama shorts and grabbed a blue high waisted shorts, a tribal print crop top and a cover up along with a headband. (Pic of emily's hair on side)

"You're gonna come?" Harry ask surprised I nod at him

"Of course" I say putting on a pair of brown sandals he smiles at me

"We are here with One Direction... How are you boys doing?" the interviewer asks and the boys smile

"We are great excited for the upcoming tour" Liam answers.

"Yeah all of us directioners are very excited for that.... Let's hear the relationship status on all of you boys... we all know about Hemily It's been trending on twitter for a while know. Where is Emily now Harry?"

The director gave me a microphone then hooked the small device on my shirt and told me to wait for them to introduce me.

"She's here actually" Harry says with a wide smile his adorable dimples popping out.

"Well let's bring her up" and they pushed me onto the set I smiled and blushed a little bit. Harry stands up meeting me halfway he grabs onto my hand and walks me over to a couch.

"Hello" I say and wave the audience laughs at me and I smile.

"Hello Emily, you look beautiful" the interviewer says I blush

"Thank you... you do too" I say the lady laughs.

"I'm Lindsay.... is it ok if I ask you a few questions?" I nod and smile at her sweetly

"Sure and nice to meet you" I say politely. Harry grips my hand tighter in his. I look over at him a smile at him he smiles back then let's go of my hand sliding it around my waist pulling me closer.
Awwww's played throughout the studio and I giggled a little.

"Great, so how does it feel like to know the boys?"

"It's amazing honestly... I mean I've been a HUGE Directioner so knowing these boys have been a dream come true" I explain and Louis makes a noise

"Awwww emmyboo we wuv you" Lou gushes I roll my eyes at him and laugh. The crowd laughs at lou.

"So you were a fan before being Harry's girlfriend?"

"Well of course I was a huge fan... I still have to remind myself I have a popster boyfriend. It's crazy, it's like just yesterday me and my best friends were fangirling over how amazing the boys are" I explain the girls laughed

"That's amazing I'm sure you gave all these girl hope"

"I'm glad because nothing is impossible nothing at all. I mean look at me. I used to doubt it myself that I wasn't good enough to be noticed. You just have to be yourself." I say and some girls cried.

"You are such a sweet girl Emily" Lindsey says I smile

"Thank you" Harry kisses my cheek and i feel my face flush. I try to hide behind my hair but hair won't allow it.

"So boys how do you feel about Emily?" Lindsey asks

"Emily is an amazing girl with a huge heart she's an amazing friend and perfect for Harry" Niall says

"Awwwww Nialler" I gush and he laughs his adorable laugh.

"I agree with Niall; Emily is perfect even though she is younger than Harry she keeps him grounded and is amazing all around" Liam says I laugh at him to which his sticks his tongue out at me.

"I think Emily is an amazing girl that is just perfect for our mate Harry. She's funny, weird... let me tell you this girl is REALLY weird like she talks to herself and laughs at random time oh and don't get me started about the mention of... F.O.O.D. And sh-" I grabbed the couch cushion and threw it at him

"That's enough Zayn thanks" I growled he laughed and so did everyone else

"I see you all get along well"
Lindsey giggles as I playfully glare at zayn.

"Zayn I hope you know I know how to spell so don't talk about food that way or me and Niall will get you in your sleep" I say then giggle at his playful frightened face.

"Hell ya we will" Niall says as he holds his hand up for a high five to which I give.

"My turn to say things about Emily!!!!" Louis yells

"Then go ahead!!" I yell back. All the girls laugh at me and lou's loudness.

"Emily is weird and extremely loud... she is funny and sweet but...."

"Oh great there's a but" I say and Harry chuckles

"But she takes forever in our bathroom just to get ready I can't stand it" Louis says I laugh at him.

"You want talk about taking forever Louis really?" I ask laughing he shakes his head 'no' and I laugh more "that's what I thought" he laughs along with all the boys because they all know what I mean.

"Harry what do you have to say about Emily?" The crowd yells I laugh

"Yeah Harry what do you have to say about me?"
He chuckles and I poke his dimples.

" I better watch what I say or I won't get kisses" Harry jokes and the girls scream and cry and laugh. I nod at him.


"Emily is an amazing girl she's super funny and really beautiful she's the love of my life and I'm glad she sent me that letter. She's perfect to me everything she does makes me happy. I'm madly in love with this girl" everyone awww'd and you could also hear Lou awww too. I blush then bring my lips to his. He smiles through it then pulls away.

" I love you too"....

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