Learn to Love: Chapter 93

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"Harry i'm so sleepy now can we go to sleep?" I ask my eyes fluttering open and shut.
"Yeah hun we are almost at the hotel" he nods I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.
30 mins later
I wake up in a nice big bed. And two boys on the floor infront of the TV.
"hey baby" harry says as he hears me yawn. I smile at him and pat the bed next to me.
"Imma go now bye harry bye em" I smile and wave to Niall.
"How'd you sleep hun?" I shrug. I put my arms out in front of me wanting harry to hold me.
He crawls over to me and kisses my lips and draws me into his lap. I snuggle up to him and sigh.
"I love you Harry" he kisses my forehead.
"And I love you... I want to take you out..." harry says Andy look up at him.
"Yeah?" I ask cocking my head to the side he nods "where?"
"I can't tell you... but you'll be happy I promise" he says softly.
"I'm already happy Harry... I mean come on your my boyfriend... what more can I ask for?" he smiles and brings his lips to mine. Slowly kissing me. He puts his hand on my cheek and brushed my hair away.
The soft slow kiss turns into a hungry lustful one and I'm straddling him tugging roughly at his hair and turning my head to the side to deepen the kiss. He moans loudly pulling me closer to him....
Hiya guys!!! Who's ready for tomorrow?? I know I am!! Steal My Girl the music video is going to be freaking amazing!!
Sooo how was the update? it was probably shit huh? sorry. A lots has been going on but I'll try to update when I can.... The story will be coming to an end very soon. Soooo get ready for that :). Bye girls
~Forever Directioners ✌️

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