Just Beyond

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I feel nothing. I'm empty. Numb. Emotionless. I know what I want. But there is always something that makes me doubt everything. Questions flood through my brain in giant waves. It's overwhelming. Not knowing the answer to any of them. One question stands out.


It's the question we're all dying to know the answer too. The one no one knows how to answer. Too bad it's killing me.

My thoughts blur as I begin to slowly fade and slip away. Past the depths of my mind. To an even further place. A dull, white space, so close and yet so far away from the tips of my fingers that glow a pale shade of grey. Seeming as if they were etching away. I find myself lost in this bland empty void, watching it slowly close in around me. The murky edges quivering as they stretch and devour me whole.

My eyelids feel heavy, lazily closing shut and unable to open themselves as if they were glued down. My limbs feel heavy and weighted before they vanish completely, as if I never had them. And finally my mind shuts down, this unavoidable doom turning me off and shutting me down entirely. Vexed and trapped within it.
and utterly...


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