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Its complete and utter torture;  knowing that someone so close to you is enduring an emmense amount of suffering. Knowing and feeling that there is nothing you can do but sit close, watch, listen and be available for them. For whatever they may need or require.

The intensity of their pain, sorrow, grief, hate, rage and fear slam into you repeatedly as if you were continuously being hit by a recklessly racing car.

Their negative energy surges around you, pulsing with life, pushing itself on you, within you. Suffocating you, choking you with an overwhelming feeling of dread that you are useless and helpless to the situation.

A multitude of comforting words whip around your head with a force so strong it stings when they pierce your flesh and get caught in your throat. Its during times like these were your body acts on its own accord with extreme urges to reach out and hug the evil out of your person with your love for them.

Your limbs reach out uncontrollably towards them. To hold them in your arms. To take their pain away and make it your own alone. Your heart shatters to pieces like a glass that accidentally falls to the cold hard floor, with every glance at their face. The redness and swelling of their beautiful eyes, the tears that stream down their soft cheeks, and the ragged breathing that leaves their now salted lips causes your knees to give out from beneath you. Leaving you to collapse on the floor and unable to tear your gaze away from the heart broken soul laying beneath the surface.

Something breaks inside you, as easily as it would take to snap a twig in half while a low agonizing moan escapes your lips. Your heart and soul physically cry oceans in waterfalls of tears for your individual as all you wish is to relieve them of all their anguish and remove the destroyed and tormented expression from their face.

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