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So many distractions. Everywhere they surround you. Calling you to them. You fight the urge to give in to them, to collapse in their arms of comfort. They claim to be paradise, to take you away and give you anything you want. Everything you ask for. To appreciate, to love, to care, to hold, to pleasure. Its all yours. There is only one consequence to these distractions that constantly pester you for their attention. You give up yourself. All your potential. Your goals. Your dreams. Your ambitions. All you want to be. To do. But still you dream. Picturing yourself in their realm, it all comes together. The caress of the sun on your face that seems slightly too hot, almost burning your sensitive skin. Almost but not quite. Its all just out of reach, your fingers nearly grasp the image. Just brushing the edge of this paradise. Where the wind blows cool when your too hot and warm when your too cold. Where it never ruins your hair or encourages sand and dirt to jump in your eyes. Its perfect. Almost. Nearly within grasp you can feel the slight breeze across your neck, your arms, your face, reaching out to wipe the tears that threaten to leave your hollow eyes. Its not where you belong, you know that, understand it. But it doesn't make you desire paradise any less.  

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