The Source

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It's overwhelming. It's enjoyable. It's pain. Physical hurt I can deal with. In fact I prefer it. Relish in it. I have a high tolerance to it. I like pain. And sometimes I want to hurt someone else. Show them it's not so bad. At least to me anyways. Help them understand that it goes away. Mental pain on the other hand is a whole other story. Sometimes literal, as if someone was drilling nails into your skull, side by side, all the way around, before yanking them out and starting all over. But that can be solved. Take a few extra shots in your drink or swallow that extra pill. Not always, however more often than not, we get that nagging feeling. Those nasty comments repeat like a broken record. One you've already pounded to bits and still it echoes in your ears mercilessly. Control is what you want and have accomplished everywhere but inside your head. And how may I achieve that control you ask. The answer is simple. You need to make the source of those little voices and words inside your head that cause so much grief and torture; you need to make them disappear. However. You. Like.
Enjoy it.

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