The Drug

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It's a drug. Your addicted. Can't get enough of it. Constantly searching for more. Drowning in a river of your own tears when you come up empty. The sweet smell. The hot erotic energy you receive from it. The way your heart obsesses over it. The sensation of being everything the opposite of alone. The soft, gentle caress, a throbbing absence you can't deney doesn't exist. It's everything you need.
Something you would risk everything for, just to let it graze your lips; a whisper of a touch.

The monster deep inside awaken everytime it comes near. Thriving off the passion, senses, emotions and urges that overwhelm your mind and body. It's all you need to survive. The thing that can take an eternity to find. The one thing you hate that you love. And love that you hate, when you come close to finding it. What most would call this, is


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