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There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You are my light. Waiting for me to come through. A smile lighting up your face brightly, knowing I mimics one as well. The sensation of being pulled to your chest and wrapped up by your strong arms sends butterflies dancing in my belly. A warmth spreads through my bones, a mixture of relaxation, peace and a form of security flood through me. Your my rock, what keeps my feet on the ground. You; a gorgeous creature I was so lucky to find, keeps my mind pure and clean of all evils trying to push its way in. You wash away the darkness and leave me as clean and polished as yourself. I am always my best with you, the little halo about my head growing larger and the little horns and spikey tail disappear; like they never existed. My image never falters in your eyes, my being as best as it can possibly be. I constantly glow and pulse with the life that you give me. To me you are the sun, so bright and warm, providing so much life and light. Providing a lovely burn, who's patterns caress my skin. You are my light. And I hope I'm yours too.

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