Murdered Heart

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I'm drowning. My lungs fight to catch air, and instead only end up being filled with freezing cold, salty water. I can feel the icy temperature of the liquid as it seeps through my skin and deep into my bones; a calm numbness flowing throughout my limbs. The surface slowly grows distant, the evening sun rays extending across the sky are illuminated from the depths where I sink. Long strings of my hair whips across my glazed open eyes. I feel heavy, as if I was crushed under a brick wall, completely trapped and unable to move. But at the same time, I also feel as weightless as a feather fluttering to the ground from above.

Creatures swim around me, noses nudging dead flesh, fins and tails slapping my body in different directions, almost as if I was a toy they were playing with. Small bubbles escape my lips with each forceful hit my body receives, this frail and blue body sinking further into the depths away from the surface with each passing moment. This beautiful element, one we depend on to survive, one that has a magnificent world of its own, which has yet to be discovered. One that is also fatal. As it has killed me, just like you have before that.

I jumped into your arms like I did into the waves; with delight, excitement, joy and a smile that only grew wider. You tugged on my heart strings as I fought to keep my head above the surface and swim towards the shore, towards you. But, you tossed me away, overboard into the cold dark depths. Now I am claimed. But not by you any longer. By your rejection, the water has taken me and caressed my body so that its glorious creatures should live longer than you ever will.

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