A Moon Apart

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My heart aches in my chest. The yearning for you, ever so clear in everything I do; my actions, emotions, words, facial expressions, body language. I miss you. Your all I can think about. Gazing up at the starry sky, each star twinkling a dim yellow light as the moon shines brightly amongst them. An image of your face forms in my head, projecting onto the clear, full moon. Immediately, a smile forms on my lips. I miss the sweet sound of your voice, as if honey was pouring off your lips. The hearty laugh that rumbles from your chest. The way your lips are forever red from constant bitting. A soft sob escapes from me as a single wet tear rolls down my cheek. My gaze blurs ever so slightly, the moon rippling as I clutch my hands to my chest. Crunching up in a ball, the sobs come all at once when my heart tears in two; as easily as ripping paper. I'm heartsick, desperately needing you with me again. To be yours and have you. The moon flickers softly as the tears continue to stream down my rosy cheeks, my lips salty. I imagine you looking at the same moon, your beautiful face as wet as mine. My eyes close, hiccuping I fall into your dark but soft chocolate gaze, feel your warm lips kissing my tears away and my soft fingers drying away yours. My heart shudders with the pain and loss of being separated from you. I feel so alone and empty underneath this bright, starry lit sky. My only desire: to be with you to my hearts content.

If only I could heed to its wishes...

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