Beneath the Bed

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You climb into bed, your eyes already half closed as you tiredly snuggle underneath the blankets. Oddly, the sheets repeatedly fall off the side and onto the floor. Lazily, you lower a foot the ground, your toes touching carpet. Only a second after does a cool slimy substance wrap around your ankle. Your eyes fly open and breath hitches as you frantically look around the room, knowing your heart is quickly accelerating in your chest. You stand rigid, not daring to move. Only, a loud surprised shriek flys from your lips when a hard tug on your ankle sends you sprawling face first on the bed. You kick out with both feet and buck your hips in the air in an attempt to free your restricted ankle. Quickly tiring and breathing heavily you slowly but surely begin to slide off the bed. Your flailing defence doing nothing to loosen the iron grip which is now wrapped around both ankles.

A sob escapes your lips while desperately trying to find a grip or anything to hold on to that will keep you from completely landing on the floor and being susceptible to whatever is lurking under your bed. The tears flow freely now, down your cheeks as the rapid thudding of your heart matches each shuddering breath you inhale. The hairs on your neck and the back of your arms rise, quivering when a deep throaty growl emanates from beneath your bed, releasing a soft whimper and another wave of fresh sobs from you. The insistent pulls start up again, coming faster and with more force and urgency than before. Your ankles throb as sharp freezing cold talons bury into your flesh, a burning sensation whipping through them. A slow trickle of hot blood runs down between your toes, your grip on the bed loosens and your kicks weaken. Becoming exasperated you lay limply half on the bed as small sweat beads form along your upper lip.

The fierce growl comes again, before the force of the final yank on your ankles sends you flying off the bed, hitting the floor with a loud thud and a small bounce from the force of impact. The wind is knocked out of you, urgently trying to catch your breath you struggle on the floor, withering with your eyes tightly closed shut; too terrified to see what beast hides in the shadows under your comfy sanctuary. The carpet rides up your shirt, harshly rubbing the bare skin of your back as you lay there petrified, inching closer to the dancing shadows. Paralyzed, goosebumps climb up your arms when a maniacal laugh echoes to your ears. The carpet burns the raw skin on your back with each tug that pulls you deeper into the dark depths with this impostures creature.

Completely submerged under the bed a cold, slimy weight is laid upon you. An eery green hue pulsing from behind your eyelids followed by a sickly and foul stench wafts over to your nose.  Hacking, the cool jello like substance slithers into your mouth, filling up every inch and smothering your cries and screams of immense pain and terror. This thing continues its violation, moving down your throat, blocking all airways as a stinging sensation starts on your tongue. You seize up, convulsing and jerking on the floor while this acid taste is released, setting your mouth on fire. Your tongue and everywhere this thing occupies spasms before charring and being brutally torn off. Repeatedly, over and over again, layers of your inner organs are heated to pop like popcorn kernels, before being ripped apart and devoured by this disgusting creature. Who only intends to fill you up from the inside and burn you till you pop. Eating its way out.

It's hungry, and your it's midnight snack. Bon appetite!~

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