Long Distance

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It takes a lot more out of an individual; than one would expect for them to feel and have emotions for another. Whether true or false, it requires effort and vulnerability to lower your shields, open your gates and remove the walls that surround your soulful entirety that reveals your most innocent form. All, for the sake of another in which whom you seem to be drawn to in unexplainable ways.

The way distance, even the smallest of such can cause a dull heartache and longing for this majestic person. The one who makes you feel special, who enjoys the simplicity in your presence, who understands you, your experiences and thoughts, but also the one who brings out the best you, you can possibly be. Thus, only one person can become your best friend, lover, guardian and free spirited child all at once. The soulmate who completes the empty unbearable and dark hole in your soul that seemed its only purpose was to continue to grow and extinguish the flame that resembled more of a spark within your being.

Pain, grief, sorrow and overwhelming longing consume your every thought, action and words with the desire to only hear, simply touch and see your person. The amount of energy that is drained from your body as a result of the urge to be with your other self, is just short of suffocating. Almost resembling the action of willingly being shackled and chained which by default forces you into giving up your freedom, happiness and individuality as your innocence becomes less independent and more dependent on another.

This explosive terror threatens to unleash and ravage the delicate balance that has been built within yourself; the carefree energy that allows you to be joyful and young with love to spread and give in willing abundance. Its this, the inner child, the old soul deep within the corners of the fear, pain and distrust for those closest to you that provide you with the ability to accept and love the other half of you without fear of destruction, hate and guilt.

With so much at stake, are personal sacrifices required to maintain and encourage the stability of this undeniable connection?

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