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You want it. 

The pain,

 the sorrow, 

the loss, 

the discomfort. 

All of it.

 Everything it has to offer. 

You want to drown in it, 

suffocate in it, 

die in it. 

You want to feel it. 

To be able to connect and relate to it. 

You want it to shower you, 

to burn you to the touch, 

leave angry looking marks and scars. 

To remind you.

 To be a statement of your mistakes.

 Your punishment. 

You have this desire, 

this craving to be broken. 

To not fully be whole. 

But to have a piece,

 a segment, 

some part of you missing. 

This is what it is to you. 

A reminder. 

Of every time you fucked up, 

of everything you screwed up, 

of everyone you made suffer.

 You want it to become a part of you. 

You need it to be. 

This is who you've become.

 Are you any better than it? 

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