Bart's Back Baby, And Better Than Ever!

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  • Dedicated to All My Wonderful Fans :D

alright peoples, heres what you've patiently been waiting for this whole time.

THE BITE ME SPIN OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning: Bart's mind is very, um, special. this is is Bart's POV, so yeah. i might, here and there, go to Nora's POV once in a blue moon. not too many time though, because i already completed her story. now it's Bart's turn!!! you probably will need to read Bite Me to understand this. :P :D but, trust me when i say this, you will be seing Edward, Henry, Nora, Nell, Charles, and Clinton, and even Edward's girlfriend, Anna. Trust me!! 

The Bite Me Spin Off:

You’re Not My Flavor

Chapter One-Bart’s Back, And He’s Better Than Ever Baby!

Four Years Later:

“Aw, fuckerdoodles!”

The coffee seeps through my brand new tie-dye shirt, the one I bought yesterday that costs more than it should have.

“Bart, you’re needed in the lobby. I repeat, Bart, you’re needed in the lobby.” Elena, the head maid, calls over my busted walkie-talkie.

I take the talkie out of my shorts pocket. “Be there in a sec.”

I rip the shirt off my chest, throwing it randomly in my room. I guess I’m going nude today. Skipping down the hallway to the elevator, I can’t help but think:

I have the most awsomest job in the world.

Four years ago, after Nell, Clinton, Nora, and Charles got married, I started looking for some jobs. There was teachers, doctors, dentists, and so on. But none of them looked fun

So, one day I was at an airport (don’t ask me why) and I ‘accidentally’ bumped into a guy with a suit. Okay, maybe it wasn’t an accident. The guy cut in front of me at the little crappy pizza place they have in the airport! So, I ‘bumped’ into him, and his coffee spilt.

Not in a million years was I going to apologize, but the guy turned around and apologized to me. I was like, what? And he was like, well, I bumped into you, so I’m sorry. From there, we started talking and I found out he owned an island resort called Mythological. He told me he was looking for a new manager and I jumped at the chance.

So, here I am, working as an island and hotel resort manager, without a shirt, skipping down the hallways towards the elevator. Isn’t life grand?

As I enter the elevator, the one that’s crowed as can be, a devilish grin presses onto my face. The lobby button is already pressed so I don’t need to worry about that. I start laughing like a crazy person and rubbing my hands together. “You’re all probably wondering why I gathered you here…”

Some people give me are-you-insane looks, it also doesn’t help that I’m not wearing a shirt, while others back away slowly. Ah, gotta love my job. As soon as the doors open, they all scatter out, even if it wasn’t their floor number.

That’s one way to get the elevator all to yourself.

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