Spending the night

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Candy's P.O.V

"I-i-" "If you don't feel comfortable with it just say no" I looked the opposite direction. "Um- No, its fine. You can stay" I looked back at him. I wasn't gonna let myself make him stay somewhere else just because I wasn't 'comfortable'. "Really, you sure?" "Yes, I've had guys stay the night before" my face quickly turned red and I turned my head away. "Really?" I could hear the smirk on his face. "yea" I said a little quietly. He laughed. "Well, if its really ok, I'ma go get my stuff" I nodded my head with my hand over my face and not looking. He left. "My god, whats wrong with me. I'm so jitterish around him..." I walked out to see if I could help him with anything. "Need any help" "I got it" he picked it all up. I smirked, "don't need to show me you have strength" I picked up a bag he dropped. He stayed silent and walked inside. I laughed. "The guest bedroom is just down the hall" "did I ever say how nice this house is?" "twice now" I chuckled. 


I was sitting on the couch at 8:00. I had my pj's on watching t.v. "Hey Can-oh. cute" "What?" I turned my head, I was wearing a size too big sheep pj's, eating popcorn, with a hoodie with a sheep face on it. My cheeks dusted with pink. "What were you wondering" I turned back to the t.v. and snapped my popcorn. "Heh, I was wondering what you were gonna do for dinner" 'shit' I totally forgot. I looked at my clock and noticed what time it was. "Well, we could eat out unless you don't feel like fast food" "I fine with whatever you want" I got up and went to the kitchen. "I hate when people leave the decision to me" I grumbled. "So, what are you gonna do?" I pulled out a frying pan and red tongs "cook". "You can?" I glare at him, "yes". I shove the pan at him, "you can help" I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out a package of hotdogs. "Umm" he stood there with frying pan in hand. I gestured my hand over to the stove, "fried hotdogs" I said. I threw them in the sink to defrost them with water. I pulled out macaroni and a can of chili beans. It was silent for the longest time, "are you mad at me?" he said while getting the can opener I put on the counter and opening the beans. "Why would I be?" maybe I was, I don't know why though. Maybe I'm tired or something. It's not my night. "I don't know, did I say something?"

I put the macaroni in a pot and set the stove. "Not that I know of, I'm just tired and not in the mood" "for?" he looked over at me. "Umm, anything" I stirred the macaroni. After dinner we were sitting on the couch. "You wanna play a game?" "No." "Watch a movie?" "No." I wasn't really in the mood for anything. "Well, ok then miss boring" "yup" I think he got mad, I couldn't tell. Then my hood gets pulled over my head. "What the heck!" I pull it off but he was gone. "What is this? hide an seek?" my phone buzzed. I got a text?! I read it, 'maybe' I looked around. "Thanks for the hint, I know your near" my phone buzzed again, 'maybe not' I laughed to myself. I looked in the closet, the bathroom, even the guest room. I went upstairs, 'oh no' I saw my door a little open. I ran to the door and opened it, the chair in front of my desk turned around. He was sitting in it with his hands in a triangle shape. "Well, hello miss Candy" "Dude, anyone tell you it's rude to go in a ladies room?" "oh this is your room, I thought it was a shrine" he pointed out the stuff in my room. Stuffed plushies of youtubers, tiny box tim stuff, septiceyesam pillow, and hopefully he didn't see the skydoesminecraft poster in my closet. Still in mint condition (don't judge) 

"Did you have all this stuff before you were a youtuber?" "ya, never got rid of it" I looked over at my closet to see if it had been tampered with. "Don't worry, I didn't see what was in your closet. But that makes me curious.." he started to walk to my closet. I stepped in front of him, he raised his eyebrow. "Only makes me more curious" "curiousity killed the sky" "not sure thats how it goes" "it will soon" (ooh, burn xD) He tried to push me out of the way real quick and open the closet, but I shoved him on bed. "tsk tsk tsk" I waved my finger at him. "Your strong for a 21 year old female" he got up off my bed. I grabbed him and pulled him out of my room, "don't even think about trying" he laughed. "ok ok, I won't go look at your terrifying shrine in your closet" he put his hands up in defense. "it's not" "prove it" he cocks his eyebrow, "nice try" I smirk and go back down stairs. Making sure he went first. "Goodnight" I went to go back upstairs. "Night, thanks for letting me stay" "your welcome" I went up to my room and fell asleep. 

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