Truth or dare 2

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"Kiss someones in this room" "oh" my cheeks lit up. "U- um" I looked around at all there faces. "Okay, uh..." "comes ons, hurrys up" "come on Barney, let me pick" Sky laughed. I looked over at him, he averted his gaze. I got up, looked around. "I choose" I looked around again then quickly went up and kissed Sky on the lips. Just a split second kiss. I went back and sat down,  "so, your turn Ross" Sky's face was red. "Uh, truth" "have you ever kissed a girl?" "Um, no" a bunch of 'oohs' went through the room. "S- sky?" Sky shook his head. "Games over" "come on Sky" Jin pleaded. "After the dance thing I'm done" "Just one more?" I pleaded along. "Ugh, truth" "ooh, we got some truthful people, that is of coarse your are telling the truth" I looked at everyone. "Of coarse, it wouldn't be fun if it was 'lie or dare' now would it" Ross added. I smiled at him and he smiled shyly.

"Oh, right. Um.." I saw Max whisper something in Ross's ear, he nodded. "Have you slept with anyone in this room?" Sky almost spit out his drink. "Oh, that's totally directed to-" he looked over at me. "Unless your gay" I laughed at what Max said. Sky glared at Max, my face went straight. He had to answer the question, truthfully. "You mean like-" "what else?" Max answered his obvious question. "No" he smirked and took a drink. "Hmm" Max looked at Sky. "Okay, game over?" "No, let's keep going" Max insisted. Sky was about to get up and leave but he sat back down. "Yay" I cheered boredly. We played for a bit longer, it was Jin's turn to truth or dare Sky. "Truth or dare?" "Dare" he looked over at Max with a cold glare. "Pick someone in the room" "Um, Ross" "Candy it is" they luaghed. I lifted my head up, "what?" I hadn't been paying attention.

"I dare you to get slapped by Candy" "what?!" I looked at them. "That's his dare" "what a stupid dare" Sky said. "Oh?" I questioned. "I've been slapped by you before, it's not really hurtful" I smirked at him. "Your gonna wish you hadn't said that. Wanna see how hard I can really slap?" "No" he smooches in his chair. I swing my hand to my make contact with his face, but I pull back and pretend to go for the hit a couple of times. I was toying with him, I hit across the face. Not too hard though. "Oh my god!" He laughed. "Sorry" I said and sat down in my seat. "No hard feelings" he said and put out his arms. "No hard feelings" I went over to him and he gently slapped me. "Now we're even" I went back to my seat and didn't say anything. "Oh, come on Candy" "so, is the game over?" I asked Max, ignoring Sky. "Yea" he laughed. They all got up and went to there individual rooms. Ross walked by Sky and patted his shoulder, "good luck". Sky walked over to me.

"Candy, I didn't mean it" "I know" I leaned over and kissed him. "I just felt like doing that" I smiled lightly. He didn't say anything. He got up and went back to work. I sighed out heavily. Why can't I make up my mind....

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