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I sat there waiting for Sky to be available to talk to. I took a deep breath and walked up to him. "Sky, I need to tell you something" he gave me his attention. "I-I'm leaving today" "really?" "Yes, I-I can't just stay here all the time" he nodded his head. I turned around and he took me to his house. I collected all my stuff, I was kinda sad. I knew I couldn't just stay with Sky, that's one sided. I have to give Jack and Mark a chance. I really wanted to stay. I packed all my things and got ready to leave the house. He wrapped his hands around my wiest and put his head on my shoulder. "Do you really have to go" I nodded my head slowly. "I can't stay here" "is it because of them?" "Yes and no" I looked down at my suitcase, my eyes glazed with sadness. He went in front of me and grabbed my shoulders. He pulled me forward, we kissed each other passionalty. He pulled away slowly, "I just wanted to do that one more time" I hugged him what felt like forever, I wish it was. "Adam.."

I was walking to the airport not that far away. I refused for him to drive me there. I wiped my teary eyes with my already soggy sleeve. I couldn't help it, it may seem stupid but it felt like I wouldn't see him ever again. I had a chance to actually feel for him. It wouldn't be fair to not give Jack and Mark that same chance. I did promise then I would choose but that wouldn't be fair. I guess. I don't know, I'm so confused. I just want to go snuggle in bed and forget everything. I don't know what I really want. I headed to the airport, made it on my plane. I looked out the window of the plane. I looked out at the beautiful place that was Seattle for the last time.

I walked in my house, after awhile the doorbell rang. I layed there for awhile contemplating on whether I should answer it or not. I got up and answered it, it was Jack. "Hey Jack" I said tiredly and leaned on the door frame. "Hey Candy, I thought you were on Seattle?" "If you thought I was in Seattle then why are you here?" "I saw you pull up or walk up" I lazily hung my head and walked over to the couch and lauded down. "You okay?" "I'm confused, tired and hungry" he chuckled. "Well, you want me to leave or have me get you something?" I looked at him, my eyes glazed with sadness. "What's wrong?" He sat on the floor next to me. "I don't know what to do, I wanted to stay in Seattle. I can't because I have to choose, I have to give you guys a chance too" "Candy, if it's this hard it's not worth it" I look up at him, his face a little angry and saddened. 

"Candy if you don't love me, tell me" he looked at me with a stern straight face. I looked at him sadly, then looked down. "I-I don't love y-you" "that's all I needed to hear" he patted my shoulder and went out the door. "Sean..." He stopped, he continued out the door. I planted my face in my pillow. I got up and made my way out the door. I couldn't face Jack again, but there was someone I still had to clear things up with. I knocked on his door, he answered. "Hey Ca-" I hugged him tightly and cried. "What's wrong" "I can't make up my mind, I'm hurting everyone around me. I want to go back to Seattle, but I have to give you a chance. Jack's out of the picture now because I told him I don't love him. Help me!" I cried out on to his shouldeIt's okay, just think about. Who would you choose?"

This is the part where there are three different endings. I'll start with Sky, then Jack, and then Mark. Hope you guys enjoy, see ya in the next chapter!

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