A date with Jack

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For the rest of that day I just walked around, laid on my bed, and played with my guitar. I was really bored. Man, how do I spend my time throughout the day. YouTube. I grabbed out my phone, I didn't feel like making a video. I decided to go on Twitter instead, to let my followers know that my videos have been postponed. 'Hey guys, just letting you know that videos will be uploaded some time this weekend. Now, that doesn't make me sick, it's just a lot of drama is going on that I need to deal with. See ya all in the next video!' My finger hovered over thr send to all followers button. Indecised to add one more thing... 'Skydoesminecraft, Jacksepticeye, or Markiplier. Which one is better?' I hit send, let the posts roll in.

Candy's P.O.V.

March, 18, 16

I woke up to my doorbell ringing. I made my way to the door. Since Sky was kind of living with me, and he was last, he was just my 'roommate' for now. I swung open the door to meet face to face with Jack. "Hey Jack" "hey Candy" I stepped inside and let him in. "No need, we're going out" "What?" He grabbed my hand and opened the car door for me. "Okay.." I stepped inside and he started the car. He drove till we came to a fancy looking diner. "Hmm" I stepped out of the car. He opened the door for me. He lead me to a table, of coarse he made reservations. "Nice place, I feel like I'm underdressed" I looked at my shirt skinny shirt with the one sleeve tangtop. Yes, I slept in it. "Nah, it's perfect" I was wondering why he got me to go first thing in the morning, I looked at my watch. It was 11:48. Oh, that explains.

"You look perfect in everything" I looked up at him and slowly put the menu in front of my face. "Playing hard to get?" He lifted an eyebrow. I said nothing but crossed my legs. The waiter came before he could say anything, "hello my name is Jenny, I will be your waitress for today. May I start you of with some drinks?" "Umm, whatever he gets" I looked at him. "Red wine" she marked it down and nodded her head and walked off. "Hmm" I didn't say anything, I just let things go. "Your quiet" "is that unuasul?" "Yes, very" I put the menu down and looked at him challengingly. "May I quiz you?" "Huh?" "A quiz" "okay" he put down his menu and have me his full attention. "What's my favorite color?" "..white" "How old am I?" "Twenty.... two?" I just noted the answers he have gave me in my head. "When's my birthday?" He didn't say anything that time. "September" he finally said. "One last question, ready?" He nodded his head and looked at me. "What's my darkest fear?" "....spiders?.." I laughed. "Well you got 1 and a half right" his eyes at me. "What? How?" I shrugged.

After that we went back to my house. I walked in and saw Sky leaning against the wall in the hallway. "I was wondering where you went" I had a confused look on my face. "Back off, you'll get your turn" Sky scrunched his nose in disgust to what he said. "Be nice" I walked past both of them and sat on the couch. "Wha-" I gave Jack a sharp quick glare. "Being my temporary boyfriend's means you have to be nice to my roommate" Sky laughed. "I'm leaving tomorrow, don't worry" he walked back to his room. "What?" I said to myself. Jack came and sat next to me, started kissing me. "Oh, hello there" I said and faced him. I kissed him on the lips. We broke apart for air, that's when I spoke up. "Sorry, but your not getting any farther than that" he looked at me with a questionable look. "I'm not ready for that kind of thing" he looked at me kind of pleading me. "Oh come on" he put his hand on my waist. "Come off" I said to him while giving him a look. "Just a little" Jesus Christ, good Lord man. "Persistent, but still no. That's when you actually get me as your Girlfriend" I pushed him off. "Alright, fine" I sighed, finally.
Jack- Pusher

Yay, Sky next. Hmm, what's gonna happen with that moving business? Will she make him stay? Will they fall in love or will she choose someone else? Let me know you want to see her with. See ya in the next chapter! 😉

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