A Green Day

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Today is Saint Patrick's day. I made sure to wear a green clover bow on my head. Sky was sitting on the couch and I hadn't said a word. Was it all nothing? Didn't feel like nothing. I'm so confused, my brain filled with a whole mix of emotions. I finished opening the can and poured it's contents in a bowl. I cooked it in the microwave, silence in the room besides the humming from the microwave. It dinged and I got it out, put a spoon in it and walked to the living room. "Here" I plainly said and have the bowl to him. I began to walk away, "are you mad?" I stopped but didn't turn around, keeping my back to him. "No, just confused" I walked into my room and plopped on my bed.

Ding dong. I lifted my head off my pillow and grudgingly made my way to the living room. "Sky can you go to the guest room please?" "Ugh" "I don't have the patience to deal with their shit right now, please go" I pointed to the hallway and he started walking there. I swing the door open, maybe a little too hard. "Woah, he-" "hey Mark, I'm a little busy right now-" I stopped and looked at his confused and worried face. "Sorry, come in Mark" "Don't worry, if your busy I can back another time" "Come in, I'm a little, I don't know" I brushed my hand through my hair. I walked over to the couch and plopped myself down, not even bothering to close the door. Thankfully he was kind enough to close it.

"I'm feeling kind of out today" I signed heavily. "What happened?" "I don't know, I think I'm just confused" he looked at me worried. I pinched him, as an act to cheer myself up. "Ow" "Your not wearing green!" I taunted him and pointed at my bow. He grabbed the now off my head, "now you not wearing green" he pinched me back. "Hey, that's not how it works!" I snatched my bow back from him. "Haha, I still got you" "it's no fun to play with Jack, he's always wearing green" I kiddingly pouted. He leaned over and hugged me, "never change Candy" "I don't plan on it" I smiled till I heard coughing from around the corner. Mark looked at me questioningly, "one second" I walked away to a little flash of Sky next to the door disappear. He was eavesdropping.

I marched my way in there. "Hey Candy" he sheepishly said while preparing for a hit. "Come on man, why you snooping on us. I said just a second" he looked at me. "Huh" "I was talking to the other easvdropper!" I looked at the door as Mark walked out from behind the wall. "Hey" he said while leaning against the door frame. "Ugh, you two are terrible" I walked passed Mark pushing him off the door frame. There was silence till I heard some shuffling. I turned around, I swear I could've saw them try and push past each other. "So Candy, what are you doing anyways?" Sky approached me, first? "Um... dinner?" I looked at the wall clock, 7:34. "Want me to take you out?" Mark popped in and asked. "I can take you Candy" Sky interjected. "Guys r-" Ding dong. Good Lord! I walked to the door and opened it to face Jack. "Oh, I wouldn't suppose  you want to take me out too?" He looked around and pointed to himself. I folded my arms and shifted my weight to my right leg. "You read my mind, but I see you have guests" he gestured towards Mark and Sky. "Come on in, join the drama" I walked back over to Mark and Sky.

"So you all wanna take Candy on a date?" "Woah, never said it was a date" Sky said but Mark disagreed, "yeah, so?" Woah. I made my way out of the room after they started, fighting over me? I can't believe this... how could I not know?....

Dun dun dun. Find out, next chapter 😉

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