Boyfriend material

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I walked out of the room, I was surprised that they weren't fighting like punching. "No fists?" They turned to me, "Um, did you change?" "Oh so you did notice" I changed into a nice tight skirt and a half strapped tank top with red heels. Don't ask, girls have their ways. "So, you all wanna take this on a date?" I leaned against the wall. I decide to mess with all of them, something I did well. "No, we wanna take you out" Sky stepped in front of them both. "Hmm" I put my nail in my mouth, "decisions, decisions" I looked over the three of them. I walk up to Sky, he backed up a little. Ooh, this is gonna be fun. This is the side of me people never see. I got a little close to him, put my face in front of his face to see what he did. His face flushed bright red and he backed away. "I'm Sick, remember?" He said as an excuse. I lifted my eyebrow at him.

I walked over to Mark. I got up on front of him, this time taking it a step further and kissing him. He was taken aback but then kissed back. That's when I pulled back. I turned to Sky and Jack, "Does that bother you?" "Yes" Jack quietly said and Sky's answer surprised me. "No" I was taken aback by this. "May I ask why and why not?" "Because I like you" i turned to Sky, he had a smug look on his face. "I already got her first kiss" Jack and Mark both looked at me. I put my hand on my lips. I breathed out remembering that night and the awkward conversation that followed it. "Yeah, he kissed me. Which was my first kiss" Sky stood there still smug. "You little sneaky bitch" I smirked as his smirk turned into a frown. "I can't choose any of you, I haven't had a chance to actually love you" I crossed my arms. "I propose a deal" "what?" "You each get to 'Be with me' for a day, then maybe I can decide" "who goes first?" I let a sly smile come across my face. "Glad you asked"

I looked at all of them. "Hmm, Mark" "save the best for last" I heard Jack slyly whisper. "Then Jack, that way Sky has time to recover" Sky laughed. "Yeah Jack" he said back to him. He glared at him. I can't believe I did that. What else I can't believe is that they agreed! How crazy is that. I feel like I'm in some fan fiction or something. I was sitting on the couch when Mark sat next to me. "So what does it mean to 'Be with you'" he even made the quotation marks. "What you want it to mean" he scooted closer to me. "Candy?" "Yes?" "Do you want this?" "Ugh, just fucking kiss me" he paused then passionalty kissed me.

He looked at me with those brown eyes into my green. "Mark" "yes?" "You gonna do something or waste your time?" He sat there looking at me with worried and heartfelt concern. "Waste it" "huh?" "Candy, your a nice pretty girl and i like you, but I can't force you to do something you think is right. I've known you long enough to know that you act unlike yourself when you feel pushed to do something, I can't do that to you. Take this time to think about what your really doing" he got up and just walked out the door. I sat there letting the words sink in, regersting what he said. Think about what your really doing...
Mark- pushover

Ooh, what's gonna happen. Jacksepticeye next. Let me know if you want multiple endings. See ya in the next chapter! 😉

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