Ch.1 *edited*

134 11 6

Levi's p.o.v

The sun was shining a bright glow of 'get the fuck out of bed, you have shit to do,' so I groaned and slowly try to get out of bed. That didn't work, I pulled my legs together and put them on the right side of the bed, and decided to sit up, I ended falling back on the bed. So I lay there on my back looking at the white ceiling and think about how pleasant it is to sleep and not deal with peoples shit.

But, I got interrupted from my thoughts by a purring little Brat. He has silky black fur, with a white strip down his stomach, and glowing, hypnotizing green eyes. I stare and him softly and I have a tiny, barely noticeable smile appear on my lips, as I look at my beautiful, loving cat.

So I finally decide it's time for me to get dressed since it's 7:30 and I have to be there by 8.

I go by my dresser and pick out a black tee-shirt, and some black ripped jeans, and I walk in my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and stare at my body.


I look at all the cuts on my arms; little white scars trail in a pattern that makes it look like I have snowflakes dancing in my arms. I look at how they look pale, I haven't done it in months, but I still get that feeling, that feeling that makes me want to keep going, but I'm not. I promised myself I wouldn't, and I'm not going to break that anytime soon. No one knows what happened to me, why I did it, or that I even did it.

But I didn't do it just for depression; I did it because I could handle it, I couldn't handle what happened to them.


I was walking home from 5th grade because mommy said she was busy and that since I would have to do this next year, I should get in the habit. So I did, I wanted to keep mommy extra happy since daddy is coming home today from war, and she wanted to get the house ready.

So I walk down the gray pavement to this little blue house two streets across from the school. I look at the things around me, but I always find myself looking at the sky. How right now it is a beautiful light blue with white clouds floating on it like a lily-pad in against the water. And how this beautiful color will turn into an orange with pink and yellow splashing like paint onto a canvas. Then it will settle into a dark blue, filled with peace and quietness that has white shinning all through the night.

I was so busy thinking I forgot about going home, and I almost passed it, but I saw it and ran to the door quickly. I opened it, and I walked through the entrance to the main hall wondering why mom didn't greet me as I came home. And I tried to look for dad and her. So I went in the kitchen, didn't see them, upstairs, didn't see them, in their room, didn't see them, and lastly, I went to my bedroom.

But I wish I didn't. I never wanted to see this. I never thought I would see this. Never planned for this to happen. My legs gave out on me, and I fell on my white, now red stained carpet. I cried and cried, sobbed my heart out, not wanting to believe what I am seeing.

Someone killed my parent's, stabbed them both in the lungs and stomach and head. I never thought blood could be a color so dark and could be scary. I never thought I'd see this much. It was everywhere, and I wish it were nowhere.

"Mom! Dad! You can't be dead! Dad, you just came home! Mom, you made everything look so pretty! You can't be dead!" When I cried this, I curled up in between my parents and hugged them both as I sobbed.

"Mom... Dad..." I whispered over and over till I cried myself to sleep next to my parents, one more time just the three of us even though it's not the same thing as what it used to. It will never be like that again.

*time skip* I woke up next to my parents on my floor wondering if I was dreaming about what happened yesterday. But I was right, and I cried again because it was terrible seeing it the first time, but the second time makes it feel so much more real.

I get up, and I cry myself as I walked over to next door and banged their door nob as I screamed. I don't know how long later I waited there, but soon Mrs. Jeager opened the door and hugged me as she saw me cry.

"Levi sweetie what happened?" And I cried harder.

"You need to call the cops," I told her with tears coming down my face and on her back.

Then she turned me to look at her in her eyes. "Why? What happened?" She asked in a sweet, caring voice that reminded me so much of my mom I sobbed even more.

" parents are dead." Saying it was even worse than seeing it twice because it means I believe it, that it's true. Mrs. Jeager it my face by her shoulder again, and we cried together.

"There in my room I was looking for them, and I wanted to find where they were, by they were dead laying on my floor. Who-- who would do this to them!" I said screaming the last part.

She got out the phone and called 911. No one else is awake here in this house for its 5 am. Soon we hear a siren and see bright lights, and we know the ambulance is here.

They talk to Mrs. Jeager, and get out my parents, saying how they were dead, and they said they would take them somewhere, and they're in a better place and crap I don't believe. Mrs. Jeager takes me inside her house, lays me on the couch and goes to talk to the officer while crying.

*flashback over*

I still look at myself in the mirror. Not only noticing my scars, but how I have my fathers hair color, and my mother's eyes. People ask why I look cold, its because I've been cold inside and there's no heater. It's a never-ending winter. I stop looking at myself, and I leave, ready to go to work, and I walk out of the door with an icy glare and my arms covered.


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