ch. 5 *edited*

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As I looked into the brown haired boy's eyes, I was lost.
I didn't know what to say, and by the kooks if it...Eren didn't know either.
It was an awkward silence. I wasn't used to staring at someone without getting annoyed, but something about him made me want to stare forever.
I knew I needed to put my general act on. Though, it wasn't all an act. Most of it was truly how I coped with things.

Eren lifted his arm up and scratches his head nervously. I looked down raising my eyebrows, not sure what to do.
I decided I better speak, or Eren would get the hint that this place is not good.

"So, Mr.Jaeger," I spoke with calmness but kept the normal expressionless face on. "Please, you can call me Eren." He smiles softly. I just nodded and continued. "Today I will be showing you how to answer the calls. You will learn what to say, and what not to say." I signed before continuing. "I will also watch you as you answer your first calls today. I will be doing that for the next two days. Now normally it would be for a week, but I don't feel like dealing with a brat." He blushed as I called him a brat. I continued to stare.

"Well, let's go then," I said after a minute of silence. Eren seemed to be unusually tense. Or, I thought it was unusual.
I led him to his office Hanji set up for him. It didn't seem to be clean, so I snorted in disgust, Eren gave me a confused look.

"What's the problem?" He asked, seeming even more confused if possible. "It looks like utter shit in here. I swear Hanji will learn to clean." I looked around, being carful not to touch anything dirty. Eren just flashed me a cute grin. I sighed and told him to sit down.

"So, what do I say?" Eren asked. I handed him a paper that had a script on it. Eren looked at it and awkwardly raised his eyebrows. "O-kay." He set it down and folded his hands while sitting up straight. His eyes wandered around the room. Each time he'd look at me he'd look away blushing. I mumbled under my breath.

"Typical brat." I shook my head, and I heard Eren chuckle. "You know Levi; you're not that bad. Everyone told me that you'd be a pain in the ass." He smiled at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"You know Eren? You act just like I suspected too. You're going to be the death of me." I shook my head and thought to myself.
Where did that come from? I looked at Eren in the corner of my eye, and he was smiling while blushing. I ignored it and tapped my foot impatiently. How fucking long is it going to take? I sighed and started pacing out of the room. Eren's eyes followed my feet, and I felt like ripping the hair out of my head. Being in this place with Eren, waiting thirty minutes was going to kill me. Eren gets me nervous, and I don't know why. I wanted to break the silence, but I didn't. I kept my expressionless face on and continued to walk back and forth.

"Levi," Eren said for the millionth time. I ignored him and stared wildly at the wall. I was obviously irritated.
It was already twelve in the afternoon. And I hadn't eaten breakfast. I was starving. Hanji surprisingly never called. I cleaned the room a bit. Eren and I talked. Everything was fine I suppose. But the fact that I've been in the office all morning was making me go mad.

Eren walked up to my still body and grabbed my shoulders. I already learned a lot about Eren in the time we've been in here. He already grew onto me as everyone else does. They learn to deal with my glares, my attitude, everything. It wasn't the best thing to do though. I would recommend everyone to back off, but it wouldn't do any use.

"Levi, you are going to go insane if we don't eat." I sighed and pushed his hands off of me. He backed away noticing that I had a death glare on my face. "Listen to me brat; I am not going insane, I am not even hungry anyway. I'm sure Hanji will love your company. I'll be in my office." Eren looked at me as I began to walk away, I stopped, noticing I was boiling.

I pulled up my sleeves, and I forgot that I had cut myself yesterday. So all I saw was pinkish red marks on my arm. They were already scabbing. I heard Eren gasp. I pulled my sleeve down and spoke annoyed.

"You say anything. I swear, I'll fucking rip off your head." He nodded quickly, and I walked out the door.

Eren's pov

I didn't learn anything about Levi in that extended period. But I did notice he seemed to be a cold man.
I wondered what happened to make him be that way.
I told Levi about the death if my parents and the life I lived. I said to him how Mikasa was my adopted sister, and how Armin was my best friend. I pretty much told him everything about my past.
I didn't tell him about my depressive state though. And what I did after my parents died.
I just told him all the happy things.

When Levi said he was leaving the room, he stopped. He pulled up his sleeves; he must have been hot.
Levi was a handsome man, and I wanted him all for myself.
Each time I'd think about him or even look at him, I'd blush. I was already crushing on my boss.
I saw on his arm that there was something reddish pink. I looked more closely at it before gasping.

Levi had cut himself.

He heard me gasp and he suddenly turned around to speak to me. "You say anything. I swear, I'll fucking rip off your head." I nodded quickly and remembered that I should be scared if him. But I wasn't all scared.

Hanji told me that Levi has had issues with things in his life and that he's a cold man for a reason. Now I understood some of it. I just wanted to know why he did it.

Levi's pov

I entered my office, beyond pissed after what just happened. I didn't want Eren to see my cuts. I paced the room and tried to barry my anger away in the back of my head, but it didn't work. I let it overcome me and threw my coffee cup across the room. I shattered on the wall, making the paint on it chip a little.

I walked over to the broken coffee cup Petra got me on my birthday. I picked it up and carefully threw it away.
I sighed before sitting in my chair. I started to rub my temples. Now that fucking kid is going to give me a sympathetic look all the time. I began to yell.

"Good fucking job Levi! You fucked up again!" I didn't know why I was screaming at myself. It only seemed like the right thing to do.
I started to think of my mother. I felt tears beginning to come. I shook my head and refused to let them release from me.

"Don't you cry, Levi," I whispered to myself. I stood up and walks out of my office. I saw Eren talking to Hanji, and when he saw me, he blushed. Fucking brat.
Hanji started yelling at me. She ran to me and hugged me; I instantly shoved her off of me.

"Get the fuck off of me shitty glasses." I fixed my tie and looked at Eren who was staring at me with awe. I decided to play around and throw a wink at him.
Eren looked at me and instantly went red as he realized what he saw. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Hanji.

"Levi! Come eat with us please!" She screamed at me. I didn't feel like denying her, so I nodded. She jumped up and down and hugged me. I felt her lips press against my cheek and I wiped it off with a disgusted look. In the corner of my eye, I saw Eren glaring at Hanji. Jealous maybe?
I walked away from jealous Eren and four eyes.

I pressed the button to floor one and listened to Eren and Hanji's annoying conversation about shoes. I didn't realize Eren liked shoes. I make an odd noise in my throat, and I suspected that was a laugh that failed. Hanji and Eren didn't notice it though.

We finally made it to floor one, and we all walked to the lounge where we all ate.
Inside of there, there was a printer with paper copy machine and in the middle of the room there was a long table where we use it to eat and have meetings.
In the back, there was a fridge and a counter with a microwave on top of it, along with a sink.

I sighed and sat down in my usual spot at the end of the table on the right side of the room. On the front of the table on the left, was Erwin's spot, there was no other spot for Eren to sit, so he sat there where Erwin usually is.

He sat directly in front of me. And it gave me the perfect excuse to stare at the beautiful brown haired boy.
Eren talked to Petra and Hanji. Mike was here along with Günther. Oluo was here as well. Armin worked in the building and was eating with us today since Eren was here. Usually, he'd eat in his office even though he had his spot.
Everyone sat there talking to one another, while I stared at Eren.

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