ch.4 *edited*

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I fluttered my eyes open, and I heard a beeping noise ring in my ears.

I didn't want to wake up just yet. It was the first time I'd slept in a while. My alarm clock said it was five-'o-clock. I groaned uncontrollably and squeezed my eyes shut.

Eventually, I reached to turn my lamp on and hopped out of bed. Today I needed to take a shower, so I went to my closet and grabbed my towel. I walked slowly and tiredly to my bathroom and left the door open. I reached the nob to the shower and turned it on warm.

I stripped down naked and stepped into the warm water and shivered. The cold air around me was so intense that I was shaking, so I turned the water on hot.

"Ouch! Damn'it!" I yelled as I felt a sting of pain hit my arm. I had forgotten that I had cut myself in my office yesterday. I started to think if what Pixis told me.

"What are you gonna do after this? Go call you're mommy and cry because I've now offended you?"

I sighed and shook that thought away from my head. To replace that, I started thinking about how I would train Eren today. I had many methods of doing so. Since some people learn differently, I had to figure out other ways to make sure they work well.

I had to follow Eren around for a couple of days. I was his boss. I had to make sure that he did everything he was supposed to. I sighed again; I didn't want to follow someone around all day for about three days. It would get annoying for me, and most likely Eren would get annoyed. I know people don't like being corrected by everything they do because everyone does things differently. But apparently, you couldn't do so here.

Though, since I was the head boss of people for a while, I could do things my way. So I could make a person do everything I needed or wanted to.

I hurried up in the shower, washing the rest of the shampoo in my hair, moving on to a little conditioner. I noticed that I should probably get a trim on my hair. My undercut was starting to grow in a bit.

I stepped out of the shower, after washing my body. I took the towel and wrapped it around my waist.

I walked to my closet to find something to wear, and sadly, I had no idea what to wear.

I saw that I had a regular pair of skinny black jeans, with no rips in it like the last pair I wore yesterday. I decided to wear those. I grabbed a long sleeve shirt, that was black, along with a grey sweatshirt.

I didn't wear business-like clothes; I stayed my usual self. Nobody minded that, and I was thankful for that. But either way, everyone seemed to find me attractive in some way.

I finished getting dressed. I didn't bother to comb my hair, or even look at myself. I just hurried out of the house.

Though I was too early, I decided to stop and get tea first. Today, I was in the mood for tea. I'm in the mood for a drink every day. There I'd like other days where I'd like some coffee.

I hurried back to work and walked straight into the glass doors. I saw my reflection; I didn't look so good.

My hair was now dry, but very messy. My face was paler than usual, and the circles under my eyes seemed to pop more out. And I was disappointed. I thought since I got more sleep, I'd get rid of some of the dark purplish blue and black circles. But they seemed to get worse.

At this moment, I was very thankful I brought a sweatshirt. It was freezing, and I didn't all enjoy it. But it was nice I suppose.

I didn't know what time it was, most likely around six to six - thirty. I walked through the first floor to the elevator, and of course got stares. It gets very annoying knowing that everyone is staring at you.

I saw Hanji in the corner of my eye. She didn't see me come in so thank god. I hurried to the elevator, still worrying that Hanji would see me. Next thing I know. I hear a cheerful Hanji calling my name.

"Leviiiii!" Hanji screamed. Oh no. "You think you're going to leave my presence in this building without saying hello!?" I sighed and turned around to see Hanji grinning her head off. "Jesus Hanji, what do you want?" She frowned for about a second before her face lit up again. "Eren is coming in earlier than you assigned him! Erwin had seen that he'd got an application and he wanted him in early! He'll be here any minute!" Great. Just fucking great. Now I have to deal with this brat extra longer. "Well, good for Erwin." I gave Hanji a frown. She walked up to me and pinched my cheeks and wrapped me up in her arms. I was off the ground. "Levi! Smile!' I groaned in response. "Put me down shitty glasses!" I yelled trying to pull myself off of her. She giggled and set me down. In instinct, I dusted myself off, which made her chuckle more.

I didn't know, but Eren was already here. Hanji called me and told me he's on his way. I suddenly got very nervous. Wonder if he doesn't like me? Pff. Who cares anyway, of course, he's not going to want me. I'm a short broken man.




Three times, someone knocked on my door. I wiped my forehead and walked to the door. I looked down at my shoes while opening the door.

"Hello, is this Mr.Ackerman?" A young males voice filled my ears. My body tensed up, and I grew anxious. Could this be Eren? I looked up slowly and almost gasped.

A brown haired boy stood in front of my door. He had greenish-blueish-and maybe a little gold in his eyes. He was tall, and he had blushed cheeks. He wore a suit that was all black except for his tie. They matched his eyes. I suddenly got dizzy.

"Y-Yes. Here I am." I held my hand out to shake his. He smiled in response and blushed a bit. He gladly took my hand and shook it. He stared into my eyes and forgetting that we were shaking hands he blushed even more. He shook it longer than should of, though I didn't mind.

I walked from the door to let him in, he nodded and smiled while walking in. "You can sit if you like," I said while showing him the chair. He didn't say anything; he just sat down.

I sat at my desk in front of him and stared at him with seemed like forever.

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