ch. 2 *edited*

106 11 16

As I walked in my car with the cold glare on my face, I prepared my mind for work. I wanted to be focused and ready for anything that came towards me. Yes, this may be a job for shoes, and talking to people about them, but I still needed to have my mind set and ready.

My works not that far, so the drive is quick. I get out and walk to the main two doors. I walk in with no hesitation. My mindset on a goal and that was to be officiant. I walked to the elevator and pressed the up button. As soon as the doors opened I walked in; I was hoping to have the lift alone today. Yesterday, I had to deal with three people in here, not like it truly mattered. But I did get quite annoying when you had to pick up a conversation with the fellow workers.

This whole building knows me as an angel. Well, that's how they see me. I'm always stared at by the girls; I'm still being talked about by them, and the guys. And suppose I was one or the best here. I didn't believe I was the best, I thought of myself as an average worker. And all I do is speak to someone about shoes. "Tch....." I said.

The doors closed, thank god, and I clicked the highest number. Floor 11. I worked up there near Erwin's office. He was the head of this whole building. I go to see him every morning before I start work, we talk about things like work and of course life at home, etc., etc. Erwin was my only friend. Of course, I had a couple of others I somewhat enjoyed being around. But every one of these people had something about them I didn't like.

I reached floor 11 and walked down the hall. I was then in front of his door. I politely knocked at first, but there was no answer. I decided to step into his office, cause I only, was allowed to do so. Nobody was there.

I walked over to his desk, I saw a piece of paper and picked it up to read it. It started by saying,

Hello Levi,

I'm genuinely sorry for my disappearance. I had to leave the state, and I will be gone for a few weeks, possibly more. I wish I could explain, but there is no time for that.

I have put you in charge. The whole building knows.

Make sure you follow the directions and carefully speak to these people. There will be necessary people calling and of course average as well.

Good luck.


I threw the paper down. I went to Erwin's desk and just sat in the chair for a moment, but I then stood up to walk to my office.

I was in front of my office. I grabbed my key and opened my door.

Inside my office, it was elegant. Very clean. I couldn't stand an unorganized room or even a dirty office. I'd come here on Saturday's and clean. Erwin was always surprised when he walked in. Though I don't blame him, I suppose. It was enjoyable here. Nobody's office here was as clean as mine.

I walked to my desk and made sure the line to Erwin's phone connected to mine. Since I was in charge, I needed access to his phone. I sighed before I turned on my laptop.

The screen was loading all my files and things up. I watched the slideshow of my parents, and I was on display. I had put that on my back screen, though it wasn't even healthy for me to do so. Each time I looked at them, I'd cry, or feel the urge to harm myself like I had done not that long ago.

I remembered what I looked at this morning, the scars on my arms. I then forgot the flashback I had.

I shuddered. I felt very sick, and I wanted to throw up. I clutched my hands to my empty stomach and winced at the pain the things brought me.

Maybe if I weren't so lonely, I'd be okay one day.


There was no way anyone would deal with me after the found out my past, tch, for all I know, these girls like me for my looks.

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