A Note From Me to You.

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I'm here to apologize for my absence. I'm not very sure if anyone out there still reads this, but in case someone does...this is for you.
Now, I could come up with a million different ways to explain why I was gone, but I don't want to make this very long because I want to cut straight to the point.

Lately, my life hasn't been the greatest, I've dealt with a lot of traumatic events over the last few months. School became overwhelming. My mental health kicked me straight in the ass and knocked me out of this world.
It seriously sucks. I've lost a lot of my creativity, my will to do anything fun, to even take care of myself.

Over the last few days, I have been trying to update my Wattpad, go through things, and delete some stuff. I've been procrastinating with "Mr. Ackerman" each time I open this app up. Obviously, by this, I've had enough with the procrastination.
This story means the absolute world to me, which is why I will never be deleting it. In fact, I plan on continuing it.
I've had the idea of rewriting it, and part of me wants to. But I haven't even finished the original version, so there's no point in that. I'll just be editing this story to my liking.
The longer I don't update, the fewer viewings I'm going to get, and of course, the views don't matter. But I have clearly let people down. And I'm very sorry.

I want to start doing the things I love again. Writing this was one of the things I was very proud of, so I will be trying again.
In the next chapter I post, I will be giving you all a schedule to follow up on. It'll be when I update chapters.

I hope you all are doing well and staying safe! Covid-19 hasn't been fun, I know lots of people during quarantine have been reading so I'll be happy to assist lol.

Until next time...
- OurCliche

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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