Ch.8 *edited*

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*Third pov*


Levi wakes up astonished, never thinking that last night would happen. The sweet little worker and the harsh boss cuddled on the couch, trapped in each other's embrace. No one would have thought that those two could be together.  Levi wraps his arms tighter around Eren's waist, and Eren still quiet snuggles into a more strong embrace. Levi sighed, never thinking he would ever have a chance at finding love. As odd as the couple is, the feelings behind it are not bizarre, but intense and robust.

The taller boy kind of talks in his sleep, little unifiable mumbles come out of his soft lips. His hair is sticking out in every direction, his shirt was curled up to where you could catch a glimpse of his glowing skin, and all Levi could do was smile at the sight of the sleeping male. Soon, the light-haired boy started to stir in his sleep, having felt he rested enough, but he could also sense he was being watched. When he opened his bright multicolored eyes, and the first thing he did was place a devilish grin on his face.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Eren asked the other male.

Levi didn't even notice the dark hue appearing on his cheeks. "N-no." He stuttered giving away his lie, and the taller boy grew a look of satisfactory crossing his face.

"I knew it! I felt someone stare at me as I was sleeping!" The chocolate haired boy smiled.
"Uh..." Levi started awkwardly. "How about I make us something to eat?"

The smaller boy got up and went to pour some cereal into bowls. As he was pouring the milk, a thought had crossed his mind. 'I should get back at him for embarrassing me.' Levi liked his idea and was thinking of things that would work so this approach could play out.

'The little shit won't know what it'll hit him...' And began to smirk as his a happy faced Eren breakfast.

"Thank you, Levi!" Eren shouted, and began to inhale his cereal it looked like because he was eating so fast.

Levi ate quietly, still thinking how to put his plan into action. He didn't exactly know he'd do. But he had a strong feeling to get Hanji evolved to help the plan out. They both ate in silence, the clock ticking away in the background. Eren ate his cereal slowly; he took in each Cheerio with care. After every last one was gone in his bowl, he carefully drank all his milk. As Eren did this, Levi watch him curiously. He wondered to himself why Eren ate his cereal like that.

After they both were finished, Eren insisted on washing both of their dishes. Levi explained to him how he did it.

"Eren, I don't use the dishwasher." He argued with the tall boy. "Levi, it's just a dish. Let's use your dishwasher to make this go faster," Levi glared at the brown-haired boy.
"Damned you Eren," he began. "It's either you do it by hand, nice and caring. Or you let me do it. I'd convince you to do it my way, but you're stubborn." Eren glared at Levi. Levi did as well, though Levi's glare was so intense, Eren made a hmph sound and did the dishes the way Levi said.

With satisfaction, Levi walked away to his bedroom to get a fresh pair of clothes. Levi closed his door, not risking Eren seeing all his scares and burns, along with new cuts. He threw his shirt off while walking to his closet. He looked through all his clothes and found what was perfect for today's occasion.

It was a black tux. He took his pants off and right when he went to take his boxers off, Eren walked into his room.

"O-oh! I'm sorry!" Eren blushed deep red and stood there for a solid minute staring all over Levi's body. As soon as Eren snapped out of it, he left Levi's room. "Fucking hell," Levi mumbled.

Levi quickly put the tux on and walked out the door. "Eren," he began. "Yes?" Eren spoke softly. "Come here," quick and quite footsteps came closer and closeted to Levi.

"We're going somewhere today," Levi attempted a smile, but it came out oddly. "Really! Where!?" Eren said excitedly.

"Its a secret," Levi said. "Go in my room; I have some clothes for you." Eren nodded happily and walked into Levi's room to dress.

"Fucking hell," Levi mumbled to himself again as he walked into the living room. He regretted not locking the door, because if he did, Eren wouldn't have seen his disgusting body.

Levi started to think about all his memories. He avoided the ones with his parents and anyone that he cared about. He only thought of himself. He remembered every single time he self-harmed. Especially the first time.


"I can't take this," Levi spoke to himself quietly in his old apartment. "I can't take it!" He punched the wall that was beside him. He felt his knuckle split, but he didn't care. Levi had so much adrenaline rushing through his veins; he didn't know how to stop the anxiety that made his heart rate quicken.

The thoughts that raced through his head, tons and tons of different ways to end his life. He threw himself onto the ground and crunched onto the floor, holding his hair tightly between his fingers. He cried loudly by himself, not knowing whether to quiet down or get louder.

After a few minutes of crying loudly, he threw himself up quickly and ran into the bathroom. Rushing thoughts going through his head made him panic ten times more than usual. "Where the fuck is it!" He screamed to himself.

Levi threw tons of things around in his bathroom, searching for his blades that he had bought awhile back just in case he was ready to end his life.

He'd come close to killing himself three times before this moment. Each time he was stopped by his two closest friends: Hanji and Erwin. He hoped they wouldn't stop him tonight. This time, he was going actually to do it. Nobody will stop him.

"Fuck!" Levi screamed in his bathroom. He couldn't find the blades he got. Out of frustration, he punched his mirror. Glass was everywhere, and some got in Levi's skin. His knuckles were bleeding nonstop. And a large piece was sticking out of his arm, just inches away from his vein. He smiled and laughed to himself, realizing that he could take the glass and kill himself right there.

All the sudden, Levi heard Hanji screaming his name. Erwin's voice popped up out of nowhere. Levi screamed at the top of his lungs. He wasn't going to be stopped this time.

"FUCK OFF!" He screamed. Hanji continued to yell out his name, but she also asked to open the locked door. "Hanji. Move! I'll open it!" Erwin's loud, deep, yelling voice ringed in his ears. 'There is no way I'm being stopped now. I'm this close!' Levi yelled to himself in his head.

"No!" Levi yelled. He wasn't crying. Instead, he had a loud, demanding voice. He couldn't feel anything but numbness tingling below the surface of his skin. Inside his head were only two words: do it.

Levi took the large piece of glass out of his skin and started to cut deeply on his wrist. Just ask soon as he went by his vein, Erwin kicked the door down.

"LEVI NO!" Hanji and Erwin both ran into the bathroom, practically jumping onto Levi, trying to get rid of the glass in his hand. "No. Stop!" Levi yelled when the took it away from him.

"Levi!" Hanji hugged him. She started to sob into his chest. "Why! Why did you try to do that again! You promised!"

-end of flash back.-

Levi stared numbly at the ground. He waited for Eren to finish getting ready, already getting impatient. "Eren!" He yelled. Eren didn't respond for a few moments; then he walked out the door. "Huh?" Eren said.

Levi stared at the much taller boy standing right in front of him. He looked like an angel. The tux he wore looked stunning on him, especially with the color of his skin. His eyes seemed to pop out more.

"Levi...?" Eren wove his hand right in front of Levi's face. "Are you okay?" Levi shivered. He looked away from the brown haired boy and flushed a bit. He didn't understand how someone like him, could be standing right in front of Eren right now.

"Yeah. You ready?" He spoke softly

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