ch. 14

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Levi's point of view

The room was tense, and the air was thick with worry. Eren was looking at me with tears in his eyes along with Hanji, Petra and Erwin. I was too weak to ask why everyone was here and to ask what happened. I just wanted to sleep.

"Levi! Oh god, Levi!" Eren scrambled up to me and grabbed my hand and started crying. I turned to look at him and hummed. It hurt even to hum.

"Thank god you're okay.." he trailed off. He stared at me, clearly worried. I had to say something.

"I'm okay," I managed to croak out. My voice sounded raspy, and you could tell it was in desperate need of water.

"Get him some water Hanji," I heard Erwin say. "Eren too." He finished.

"I'm fine Mr.Smith," Eren began to say before Petra shushed him. He hung his head low and squeezed my hand.

"I thought I was going to lose you.." he spoke sadly. I shook my head, telling that wouldn't happen.

"My mom wouldn't let me," I began. Eren was confused and looked at me concerned. "What?" He asked.

"I saw my mom; she said I couldn't die yet," I told him. Eren smiled and shook his head. "She's right Levi. It's not time for you to go yet.."

I hummed in response. A door opened, and it was a lady with a clipboard. I looked at her, and so did Eren, but his hand was still attached to mine. At this moment, with him by my side, I felt like the whole world disappeared, and it was just him and I. I felt like I could conquer anything, even death.

as long as I had Eren by my side, I could do anything.

~ Time Skip ~

I opened my eyes and looked to my left to see Eren driving. He looked pained and focused. I wanted to reach out and touch his face, but I felt too weak to do so. Everything still hurt from earlier in the hospital. I coughed quietly and winced from the pain in my throat, Eren heard this and looked down at me with a soft smile.

"Hi love," he spoke softly. Looking into his eyes made me feel like I was swimming in my butterflies. I forget how to breathe most of the time when looking into them.

"Hi," was all I said. My voice was very rough. I thought it hurt to breathe, but it hurts so much worse to speak.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while looking at the road. I felt his worrying radiate off of him. It made me foolishly smile, but it also made me emotional and want to cry. I wasn't used to someone genuinely caring about me.

"I'm fine," I spoke in almost a whisper. I was really tired and wanted to sleep. However, I didn't want to stop looking at Eren's face. I didn't know if I would see it again today or tomorrow. Eren looked down at me, obviously unconvinced of my lie. I'm a terrible liar around him. I feel like such an open book.

"Yeah right," he began. "you had a rough couple of days in the ER love. It's okay not to feel okay." I threw myself up fast after that sentence. Did he seriously say that I was there for a couple of days?

"Wait what?" I said shocked. "I was there for more than a day?" I was completely appalled.

"Yes," He spoke softly with a pained expression. His eyes never left the road as he spoke. "You were asleep for two whole days, Levi." Eren looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes traced worry yet again. I didn't speak after that. I just memorized his face and looked at the small details. His dark circles were more noticeable than usual. I could tell he didn't sleep much these past two-three days. I felt guilty. He shouldn't have stayed for so long. He should of went home and got some rest.

"You should sleep some more Levi," Eren said. "We have a long car ride, and you seem tired still. The doctor recommends as much sleep as possible, okay?" He grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly. I hummed in response. I guess a little more sleep wouldn't hurt.

"I love you." was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into yet another deep, dreamless sleep.


I'm sorry for a shorter chapter than usual. But I simply had no more inspiration for this chapter! I do have another chapter planned and ready for the next update, and I think you'll like it. It's all fluffy and soft lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! <3

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